DRUNKARDS.—The list this morning of slaves of the bottle was larger than usual for Saturday morning. There were twenty cases, and of these no less than twelve were females. They were all fined in the usual penalty, ...
Article : 3,890 wordsA public meeting of the inhabitants of Morpeth was held on Tuesday evening last, in the large room of the Crown and Anchor Inn, to protest against the form of the Constitution proposed in the Hill now before the ...
Article : 1,301 wordsWE are in receipt of New Zealand Journals, from Auckland, to the 5th instant. The election of members to the Legislative, for the Northern and Southern Divisions of the ...
Article : 1,046 wordsGENTLEMEN—Being prevented by domestic arrangements from attending as often as I should feel it my duty to do, at the Meetings of this Committee, you will permit me, epistolarity, ...
Article : 1,561 wordsSQUATTER POLITICS.—" A Burnett Squatter" has written a letter to a Moreton Bay Journal, in which lie propounds the following enlightened plan, by which squatters are to be all leagued ...
Article : 1,287 wordsSIR—My attention has been this morning ditected to an article on Mr. Wentworth's speech on the Constitution Bill, in the Herald of yesterday. The article, as might have been expected, ...
Article : 700 words{No abstract available}
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Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1875), Tue 23 Aug 1853, Page 3
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