A pupblic meeting was held last night, in the Prince of Wales Theatre, to take into consideration the Electoral Bill introduced by the Government. A considerable time before the hour announced for the commencement ...
Article : 11,790 wordsThe following lecture, on the subject of " Land Surveying," was delivered (with illustrations) in the Hall of the School of Arts, last evening, by his Excellency Sir William Denison:— ...
Article : 6,627 wordsA public meeting, which was very fully attended, was held on Monday evening, at the Court-house, Parramatta, for the purpose of advocating the claims of a society just formed, under the title of the Parramatta School of ...
Article : 2,947 wordsBRAIDWOOD, August 20, from the runs or Messrs. Bunn. St. Omers; driving and trespass 10s. each:—Black ma[?], long tail, star and snip, [?] over R near shoulder, aged, 16 hands high; bay colt, switch tall, star, like JD near shoulder, 3 years old, 14 hands ...
Article : 234 wordsThe court will resume its sittings at ten o'clock this morning, with the hearing of the case No. 81, and will adjourn after the trial of the case No. 160. ...
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Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1875), Wed 2 Sep 1857, Page 3
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