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  2. Too Much Arguing.

    ' Gash is not one of the Scot's chief characteristics,' says Mr A. S. Neill in ' A. Dominie's Log,' and be proceeds to tell this story as an illustration, ...

    Article : 259 words
  3. The Movie World.

    ' I'd rather die than marry a low-down, sneaking Bassett,' declared Hazel Dawn, Singing back her rebellious curls and stamp and her bare foot defiantly so she gathered ...

    Article : 1,024 words
  4. How to Tell a Liar.

    When a man is telling a lie he breathes differently from when he is telling the truth. The difference was discovered by means of some tests made upon his students by ...

    Article : 277 words
  5. The Price of Peace.

    Past wars have provided many instances of how dearly peace is sometimes bought. The biggest and most amazing sum ever paid was that which Germany demanded from ...

    Article : 259 words
  6. Bullets Sterilised.

    Surprise is often expressed at the official statement that an enormous percentage— sometimes placed an high as ninety—of wounded men go back to the firing line ...

    Article : 196 words
  7. Animals Under Fire.

    Bombardments affect different animals in different ways. Doge as a rule show great distress when shells burst near them and they howl piteously. On the other hand ...

    Article : 261 words
  8. Profits on Shells.

    While the war is, to quote Lord Rose. berry, bleeding Europe to death,' America is making so much money that there is the promise of a crop of at least 500 more ...

    Article : 302 words
  9. Ship's Mascots Which Did Not Bring Luck.

    Mr J. Gordon Bennett's magnificent steam yacht, the Lysistrate, which was so badly damaged by a great gale in the Mediterranean, is a ship with a mascot. This is the ...

    Article : 293 words
  10. Razors First.

    There is scarcely anything in this wide world that a person up against it financially can't pawn, for the pawnbroker is a gambler, whose instincts either are acquired or born ...

    Article : 292 words
  11. Resolutions.

    A ' dear little chap' has made a number of resolutions, which come into force at once. They are thoroughly typical, thus— I will not put pins in my dear teacher's ...

    Article : 113 words
  12. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 1,639 words



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