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  2. I MAKE A SPEECH from the STAGE

    WHEN Gilbert Miller returned to London, he asked me to go to see him in his office, where he lectured me on play construction. He ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 2,424 words
  3. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 80 words

    His Excellency the Governor-General (Lord Gowrie), attend by Captain Blacker, A.D.C., will arrive in Melbourne this morning on his way to Perth, Lord ...

    Article : 34 words

    SYDNEY, Monday.—The condition of mind in which Mr. Curtin takes up his customary duties after experiencing the political atmosphere of New South Wales only ...

    Article : 749 words

    The Earl of Lindsey, of Stamford, Lincoinshire, whose title is more than 300 years old, arrived in Melbourne in the Themlstocles yesterday. He was ...

    Article : 672 words
  7. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 149 words
  8. Letters to The Editor

    Sir,—Before any more damage is inflicted upon the valuable Jaggers bronzes which have recently been placed in the grounds of the National Gallery a substantial ...

    Article : 268 words
  9. The Argus.

    Business communications should be addressed to the General Manager Adsertisements will be received by City and Suburban newsagents up to 5.45 p.m. ...

    Article : 117 words

    A leader in Christian though, a man of wide literary and artistic accomplishments, and one of the most widely travelled men of his time, Dr. T. Z. Koo, ...

    Article : 579 words
  11. TUESDAY, MARCH 30, 1937.

    There is but one Labour party, and it alone can save the country. It has preached this doctrine from a thousand platforms in innumerable ...

    Article : 835 words
  12. Death on the Road

    Sir,—Your leading article on Thursday entitled "Death on the Road" should be read by every motorist. There is certainly need for stricter supervision and effective ...

    Article : 179 words
  13. Speed Limit in Towns

    Sir,—In your issue of March 24 is the astounding information that there have been 204 deaths in traffic accidents in six months. We appreciate the efforts to ...

    Article : 101 words
  14. No Time for Evensong

    Sir,—Well may so many listeners continue in the hope which their letters to you express that the A.B.C. may restore to its programmes, in whole or part, the ...

    Article : 212 words

    SYDNEY, Monday.—While camping with his family in the Glen Murray Valley, on the bank of the kangaroo River, at the week-end, the Premier (Mr. Stevens) gave ...

    Article : 386 words
  16. Catholics and Anzac Day Celebrations

    It was a constant irritation to the Catholic people that in many places they were debarred by conscience from taking part in Anzac Day celebrations, ...

    Article : 116 words
  17. Catholic Schools

    Sir,—In direct opposition to the view of J.W.C., the great majority of people in Victoria believes that it is the business of the State to provide an educational ...

    Article : 250 words

    {No abstract available} [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 6 words
  19. Ill-timed Applause

    Sir,—The splendid performance of "Elijah" on Good Friday was listened to by thousands over the wireless. The announcer gave a synopsis of the subject as ...

    Article : 135 words
  20. No Tramway Shelter

    Sir,—I wish to direct attention to the need for a tramway shelter at the corner of Swanston and Fllinders streets. With others, including several young children, ...

    Article : 77 words
  21. LAW NOTICES—(This Day)

    ARBITRATION COURT. — Before Jud[?]t Beeby.—In No. 1 Court.—At 12—In [?] 19[?]6 metal trades award (application by Storemakers and Porcelain E[?]amellers' Union for ...

    Article : 26 words

    [?]ednesday, 8 p.m.—Monthly meeting of Gil[?] and Sullivan Society, at the Melba Hall, [?]sity. ...

    Article : 17 words



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