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  2. The Month.

    Miss Johnson, a resident of Balmain, had a narrow escape from drowning at the above suburb. The young lady was taking a salt-water bath when she got beyond her depth, and but for the timely assistance rendered ...

    Article : 3,024 words
  3. The New Foresters' Hall.

    THE memorial stone of the proposed new Foresters' Hall, in Castlereagh Street, was laid on Anniversary Day by the Hon. W. B. Dalley, Acting Colonial Secretary. A procession, representative of the various ...

    Article : 456 words
  4. A Capsize in the Harbour.

    IN no part of the world will be found a more aquatic loving community than the waterside youth of Sydney Harbour. One of the sights that arrests the attention of visitors on these bright rippling waters is the splendid ...

    Article : 125 words
  5. The Middle Pond, Botanic Gardens.

    OUR sketch on page 9 represents what is known as the Middle Pond, one of the ornamental ponds in the lower Botanic Gardens. In the centre is a miniature island, decked just now with some of the choicest gifts of ...

    Article : 228 words
  6. H.M. Ships Tamar and Nelson Transshipping Crews.

    H. M. TRANSPORT Tamar, Captain Warren, which recently arrived here from England, brought some 900 of a crew, all told, to relieve the crew of the Nelson, whose time was up on the Australian station. Our ...

    Article : 235 words
  7. "Farewell Ball to Commodore Erskine.

    A GRAND farewell ball was given to Commodore Erskine and his officers, in the Town Hall, Sydney, on the night of Friday, 23rd ultimo. The large vestibule was used, as a ball-room, and the various council chambers ...

    Article : 146 words
  8. The Late Bishop Quinn.

    THE sudden and unexpected demise of the Right Rev. Dr. Quinn, Bishop of Bathurst, has given rise to feelings of the most profound regret. The zeal, talent, and determination brought to bear on the members of ...

    Article : 742 words
  9. Our 97th Anniversary.

    The out-door entertainments on the Anniversary Day of the current year were of as varied a character as on any previous anniversary; and despite the rather threatening weather in the early morning, and the ...

    Article : 91 words
  10. The Terrible Railway Accident at Cootmundra.

    IN another part of this issue will be found the details of this disaster. Our special artist visited the scene, and has produced some admirable sketches, which are also given in this issue. The first one represents the ...

    Article : 204 words



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