A view of Melbourne in 1880 appropriately supplements our Exhibition number, as it will stand as a record of the extent and characteristics of the metropolis at a very important ...
Article : 895 wordsThe crowning point of the inaugural ceremony, which so many thousands of spectators assembled to witness on Friday, 1st Oct., was the act of His Excellency Lord Normanby ...
Article : 1,044 wordsCarlton Gardens, the site on which the Exhibition building is erected, being above the general level of Melbourne, enables the handsome outlines of the structure to be well seen ...
Article : 1,829 wordsImmediately upon the Governor declaring the Exhibition opened, a colossal statue emblematic of Industry was unveiled. It represents a female in a sitting attitude, holding out ...
Article : 93 wordsThe Fernery which terminates the central avenue leading from the northern transept of the main building is the result of one of those happy thoughts that occasionally flash across ...
Article : 259 wordsThe building erected for the purposes of the first Melbourne Exhibition, on the site where the Mint stands at present, marked an epoch in the history of this colony. The structure ... [ILLUSTRATED]
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Illustrated Australian News (Melbourne, Vic. : 1876 - 1889), Sat 9 Oct 1880, Page 179
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