Sir,—I feel it is due to Mr. R. Bennet to offer some apology for writing anonymously, but I beg to assure him my object in doing so was entirely to avoid those personalities which have often been carried to such an ...
Article : 1,745 wordsThe floating dock on the salt-water river, the property of Mr. John Gibbons, of King-street, has been sold by auction to-day, for the sum of £2475. Breadstuffs are very flat. Maize is a little casler. ...
Article : 1,555 wordsIn this case Mr. Darley, instructed by Mr. Iceton, appeared for the plaintiff in support of a demurrer to the plea; Mr. Stephon, instructed by Mr. J. R. Brenan, appeared for the defendant. ...
Article : 789 wordsFOR JUDGMENT.—The Queen v. Dalrymple DEMURRERS, &c.—Municipality of Cook v. Warden and Fellows of St. Paul's College, part heard; ex parte Hawkins, certiorari; Tucker v. Duncan, special ...
Article : 105 wordsThursday, July 5th, 1860. At 11: Gustay Wangenheim, adjourned special, for proof of debt. MEETINGS OF CREDITORS. Friday, July 6th.—At 11: John Gough Waller, ...
Article : 81 wordsYesterday the City Coroner held an inquest at his office on the late fire that resulted in the destruction of the premises recently occupied by Mr. Norney, and Messrs. Lister and Barnett. ...
Article : 1,486 wordsBridget Bramble was fined 10s., forriotous behaviour in York-street. John Oliver, an idle and disorderly charactor, was sent to gaol for three months. ...
Article : 369 wordsChristopher Coyle was committed to take his trial for stealing a silver watch, valued at £10 from John Collins, The prisoner took the watch to pawn at Mr. Sly's shop in Bridge-street, but Mr. Sly having some ...
Article : 212 wordsIn the matter of the trusts of the will of Philip Sullivan, late of Tenterfield, and in the matter of the Trust Proporty Act of 1862. His HONOR gave judgment in this case as followes:- ...
Article : 889 wordsLast night the first anniversary dinner of the Liconsed Victuallers' Association took place at the Masonio Hall. The dinner was provided by Mr. John Perry, of the Freemasons' Hall Hotel, who added to his ...
Article : 2,614 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1875), Thu 5 Jul 1866, Page 5
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