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    The last week in this part of the district was very but a small change has set in and some rain has fallen but nothing to start the herbage. Both the sheep and cattle stations on Wyadra and Cowl-Cowl runs, for the last fortnight, ...

    Article : 258 words

    REFUSAL OF LICENSE.— An application was made to the Bench on Tuesday last for the giant of a publican's lieense for premises near Long Greek; but it was refused by the Bench. I understand that the reason for this refusal was that ...

    Article : 384 words
  4. Answers to Correspondents.

    Correspondent will please take notice that no questions will be answered unless the sender gives his real name and address in full-not for publication, but as a guarantee of good faith, and that he is ...

    Article : 2,522 words

    Since my last, we have been nearly scotched to death. Daring the week the thermometer has heed registering: from 100 to 116 in the shade, and not the slightest sigu of change yet the sky looks as though it was quite capable of ...

    Article : 1,238 words
  6. COROWA.

    The lost three or four days have been very hot. consequently peculiarly favourable to those employed getting in the harvest. I was told of one farmer who had only stripped five bushels to the acre off land which is well known in the district, and ...

    Article : 602 words
  7. TINGHA.

    The Intense heat during the past week has been unparalleled, and the want of rain is beginning to be severely felt. Our rising township has been granted a court of requests, to be held on the last Thursday of every month. This will ...

    Article : 795 words

    During the week excessively hot weather has prevailed, the thermometer varying from 100 to 117 degrees in the shade, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., with strong hot winds blowing. The nights have also been close and bot, rendering sleep almost ...

    Article : 761 words



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