March 8.—E. L. B. Jenny, barque, 380 tons, March Fairhaven, fifty three months out, with 1700 barreis sperm; Sophia Thornton, ship, 424 tons, Briggs, New Bedford, ten months out, 170 barrels sperm. 100 barrels whale; Atlantic, ship, 371 tons. ...
Article : 509 wordsHEATHER BELL, brig, 188 tons, Captain M'Eachern, from Lo[?]ceston, 3rd instant. Captain, agent. HARGRAVES, schooner, 171 tons, Captain Henderson, from Hebars Town 2nd instant. Passenger—Mr. Ballantine. Captain, ...
Article : 216 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 47 wordsOUR hopes that the Land Bills would emerge from the Upper House within a reasonable time, unmuitlated in their cardinal provisions, and exhibiting such alterations only as might ...
Article : 2,946 words[?]MILY HORT, brig, for Rockhampton. LAUNCESTON, schooner, for Melbourne, UNCEE TOM, schooner, for Rockhampton. ALLIANCE, schooner, for Briabane. ...
Article : 53 wordsSeveral more of the American States have seceded from the Union. The revolution is complete, and there are now two separate and independent confederations in the late United ...
Article : 210 wordsFor Brisbane.—Telegraph, steamer, 16th instant. For Nelson, &c.—Lord Worsley, stamere, 17th instant. For Port Denison.—Buonaparte, This Day. For Port de Frence.—Gazelle, carly. ...
Article : 36 wordsBUONAPARTE, schooner, 120 tons, Captain Hobb[?] for Port Denison. Passengers—Mr. and Mrs. Robertson, Mrs. Robb, Messrs Black, Ross. Longahaw, Warner, Fauoatt, McKinlay. Laid'ey. Iraland, and Co., agents. ...
Article : 108 wordsBoomerang, steamer, from Sydney. Edmund Walfiu[?]n, brig, from Sydney. Asa Packer, bqarque, from Sydney. Alarm, brig, from Sydney. ...
Article : 64 wordsKiams, steamer, and Mirnosa, steamer, from Wollongong and Kiam[?], 154 butter, 20 pigs, [?] calves, 118 bags potatoes, 8 coopespoultry, 8 cases eggs, 37 bags wheat; Paterson, steamer, from Morpeth, with sundries. ...
Article : 36 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 48 wordsTime and Truth, James Paxton, Catherine Agnes, Rose, and Little Pet, for Newcastle; Concord, for Jervis Bay. ...
Article : 24 wordsPer Heather Bell, from Launceston: 286 bags wheat, Willis, Morry, and Co.; 281 bags wheat, G. Wilkie; 118 bags wheat, 224 bags bark, H. H. Beauchamp; 100 bags flour, Fisher and Son; 1275 bags wheat, Barker and Co.; 690 bags bark, J. A. Buttrey and ...
Article : 885 wordsIntercolonial—communication perfect. Northern " " Western " " South Head " " ...
Article : 15 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 38 wordsTO-DAY being the usual weekly half-holiday, there has been little business doing by private contract, and the sales by auction have been unimportant. In our weekly commercial ...
Article : 1,127 wordsHer Majesty the Queen, who appeared in excellent health, opened the British Parliament in person on the 5th February. The speech from the throne was rather tame. ...
Article : 513 wordsTHE P. and O. Company's Mail Steamer Benares, with the English Mails, arrived at King George's Sound on the 8th instant. Amongst the passengers are Mr. W. C. ...
Article : 51 wordsGaeta has fallen before the combined attack by sea and land. The immediate cause of this was the treachery of a part of the defenders. The Italian flag now waves over Gaeta. The ...
Article : 509 wordsClosing at the General Post-office, as follows:— For Port Denison—By the Buonaparte, This Day, at noon, if not underway. For Hongkong—By the Raven, This Day, at noo. ...
Article : 75 wordsThe Mails by the Peninenlar and Oriental Steam Navigation Company's steamer, NORTHAM, will be made up at this office on MONDAY, 22nd instant, at 9 a.m., for all letters not addressed to the United Kingdom, and at 11 a.m. for all letters so addressed. ...
Article : 692 wordsThe money market has been again depressed. On the 14th February the Bank of England raised the rate of discount from seven to eight ...
Article : 93 words[?] March [?]—Seville, for Caleutta. ...
Article : 2 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1875), Mon 15 Apr 1861, Page 4
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