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  2. The "Sydney Morning Herald" on Railways.

    OUR ponderous friend very seldom patronizes any person or thing without inflicting serious injury on the unhappy victim of his patronage. If he propose ...

    Article : 340 words

    Forget not the unhappy, Amid the bright and gay; The world can give you nothing It will not take away; ...

    Article : 668 words
  4. Anniversary Regatta, SATURDAY, JANUARY 26, 1850.

    The harbour of Port Jackson presented a most brusque and picturesque appearance at an early hour on Saturday morning. The signal gun boomed from Fort Phillip, at 10 A.M., and ...

    Article : 1,108 words
  5. Blossoms From the Garden of Life.

    "Unnumber'd fragrant flow'rs around us spring, From these each week the sweetest we will bring. Some have now bloom'd for years, some soon ...

    Article : 788 words
  6. The Mysteries of Sydney;

    It seems strange, but calm reflection teaches how true it is, that in crowded cities where men are gathered together by thousands, there is more of loneliness and nfystery than in the bush, where ...

    Article : 2,868 words
  7. Country and Colonial Items of News.

    LIVERPOOL: TALE OF A SUNDAY HAT.—An extraordinary fracas occurred in Liverpool church on Sunday morning week, which we hear is likely to give employment to the black-gowned gentry ...

    Article : 1,169 words
  8. Select Varieties.

    Short Chapter for Correspondents.—The following code of newspaper bye-laws is respectfully submitted for general consideration:—I. Be brief. This is the age of telegraphic ...

    Article : 1,917 words



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