SIR LYON PLAYFAIR, in a letter to Junius Henri Browne, author of a paper in the the New York Forum, for October, under the above title, says:β"Having represented ...
Article : 369 wordsSOME touching eviction scenes (says the Pall Mall Gazette, Nov. 23) are reported from the estates of the Hon. R. T. O'Neill, M.P., near Draperstown. They were carried out ...
Article : 408 wordsIN the light of a cablegram published last week respecting the failure of the Electric Sugar-refining Company, the following report of a meeting of shareholders held in ...
Article : 850 wordsREFERRING to the recent defeat of the Government, the Daily Telegraph says:βIt is a pitiful anti-climax to the grand political flourish with which the present Government assumed the reins ...
Article : 655 wordsTHE New York Medico-Legal Society has held several meetings lately for the purpose of preparing essays upon the subject of taking life by electricity. These essays have ...
Article : 329 wordsAT the recent meeting of the British Association, Dr. E. B. Tylor read an interesting paper on the laws of marriage and descent, illustrative of his ingenious method of ...
Article : 535 wordsAT Tuesday's sitting of the International Medical Congress in Melbourne, Dr. P. Smith, of Queensland, read a paper before the Section of Psychological Medicine on ...
Article : 426 wordsNERVE is a quality which is possessed by few men in its highest degree. Nerve is altogether different to that quality known as pluck. Therefore, a brave man may be, ...
Article : 456 wordsTHE last and perhaps most important link in the peculiar chain of events which connected the person who for a long time practised at Ashfield under the name of "Dr." Drummond with the ...
Article : 315 wordsTHE Daily Telegraph correspondent at Vienna telegraphs:β"A highy-interesting communication reaches me from a source whence I have frequently derived valuable ...
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Advertising : 2,304 wordsDr. James Black, L.R.C.S., Primrose Hill, Cockburnspath, Scotland, says: "As a nerve tonic I know nothing like it. It gives me great satisfaction." ...
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