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  2. Sydney Amusements.

    Mr. George Musgrove's enterprise in bringing out to Australia from England a specially selected company of grand opera singers, was fi[?]ly rewarded on December 1, by the presence of an ...

    Article : 534 words
  3. Farewell to Lady Darley.

    A number of ladies assembled in the Mayoress's private rooms in the Town Hall on November 29, in order to bid her farewell, and to present to her a parting souvenir in the shape of a ...

    Article : 390 words
  4. Sydney Social News.

    Lady Darley and Miss Sylvia Darley left Sydney by the overland express on December 2 to catch the R.M.S. India, en route for England. Miss Darley is expected back from England very ...

    Article : 914 words
  5. A French Floral Fete.

    A magnificent entertainment in Paris was give[?] by Count Boni de Castellans and Countess d[?] Castellane nee Gould, in their palace of th[?] Avenue du Bois, where they have chosen to ...

    Article : 1,092 words
  6. Weddings.

    A pretty wedding took place at St. Mark's, Darling Point, on November 28, between Mr. Harley L. Hixson, son of Captain Hixson, and Miss Olive Flood, daughter of the late Mr. J. W. Flood. ...

    Article : 559 words
  7. Answers to Correspondents.

    "A. C.:" Here is the recipe for pickled grapes, for which you asked me last week. Take 81b of grapes, mashed and cooked enough to strain out the seeds and skins. Rub all the pulp ...

    Article : 667 words
  8. Vingaire de Bouquet.

    This is made by infusing the petals of sweetlysmelling flowers in one pint of rectified spirits and two pints of the best white wine vinegar, then straining. This is deliciously refreshing ...

    Article : 54 words
  9. A Good Hair Wash.

    Mix together tincture of cahtharides, quarter of an ounce; eau de cologne, one ounce; bay rum, one ounce; rose water, two ounces. Use once a day for a fortnight, and then cease for a little ...

    Article : 68 words
  10. No title

    The current number of the "Dawn," received from the editor and proprietor, Mrs. Louisa Lawson, contains, as usual, a quantity of useful information on all topics of interest to the ...

    Article : 105 words
  11. No title

    On December 1, Mr. Dampier first introduced to his audience at the Criterion his own version of "The Three Musketeers;" Mr. John Sheridan successfully revived "Fun on the Bristol" at the ...

    Article : 102 words



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