All men, as Dr. Franz says, now dress alike, as far as regards the fashion; the chief differencels only in the quality of the material. A large portion of the aristocracy and gentry seem to ...
Article : 534 words{No abstract available} [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 16 wordsAdapted from Hood's "Song of the Shirt," to the circumstances of an [?] in the employment of Mr. W. I. T. Clarke. With breeches thread-bare [?] worn, ...
Article : 627 wordsNever sell any old cloches without patting a farthing in the waistcoat pocket, as the [?] cies then that it is a [?] [?]od gives you a much better price for them. ...
Article : 1,034 wordsOn the 16th instant, the trial of George Whitfield Pinkerton, came on at the Supreme Court, Melbourne, before his Honor Mr. Justice Barry. The report of the trial we copy from the Argus ...
Article : 3,231 wordsI have never known a poor man to receive a premium at a fair, when there was a rich man to compete with him. I have never known a naturally dishonest ...
Article : 140 wordsTHE WIFE OF EIGHT HUSBANDS.—In the London papers appears the following notice:— "Died, in April last, at Brooklyn, New York, Mrs Elizabeth Fitzpatrick, at the patriarchal age of ...
Article : 1,991 wordsIn many striking points the careers of Napoleon and Wellington exhibited a remarkable similitude. Born in the same year—following the same profession—passing the dangerous ordeal ...
Article : 494 wordsA PICTURE.—A fair young girl is leaning pensively on the casement, gazing with thoughtless brow upon the scene below. The bloom of fifteen summers tints her soft checks a the sweets ...
Article : 478 wordsSweet Kate was heard one day to sigh— "With beauty, lost I'd wish to die." "Oh, no" said Tom, with bumour quaint. "Not wish to dye, but increly [?] ...
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Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (NSW : 1845 - 1860), Sat 26 Mar 1853, Page 1
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