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  2. Australian Export Trade.

    We are in receipt of cable messages quoting the following prices in the London market for frozen meat:—Mutton: New Zealand, first, quality, unchanged at 3½d; ditto, second quality, ?d, a fall ...

    Article : 173 words
  3. Land Appeal Court.

    The Land Appeal Court (Messrs. Oliver, president, and Brandis, commissioner) resumed its sittings at Darlinghurst on September 2. C. E. M. Armstrong appealed against the ...

    Article : 1,170 words

    Fifty-two tons from the Lady Elsie claim; Coramba, gave a return of 135oz. It is generally thought that Coramba and Bucca reefs will prove permanent fields. ...

    Article : 730 words
  5. West Australia.

    The directors of the Ivanhoe Gold Mining Company, Kalgoorlie, have declared a dividend, the first, of 2s 6d per share, payable on September 28. Bocks will close on September 18. ...

    Article : 712 words
  6. HORSES.

    The steamer Fazllka, of the B.I.S.N. Company's line, passed Sydney Heads a few days ago, en route from Newcastle to Melbourne, to load horses for the Eastern market. The Okara and ...

    Article : 71 words
  7. FRUIT.

    We are in receipt of a cablegram of September 4, stating that two cases of mandarins and passionfruit, preserved by means of Parker's process, and consigned the one to Mr. Sparke and the other to ...

    Article : 81 words
  8. GAME.

    The Australian rabbits, ex steamer Aberdeen, reached the London market in excellent condition, selling last week at lld each. It is considered that prices will probably advance to ls shortly. ...

    Article : 64 words
  9. TALLOW.

    At last week's sales in London there was again a strong demand, and almost the entire catalogue was cleared. 1775 casks of Australian tallow were offered, and 1650 sold. The prices realised ...

    Article : 143 words
  10. HIDES.

    All classes of hides in the London market were unaltered last week. New South Wales heavy on remained at 3 6/8d; ditto, light ox, 3 3/8d; ditto, cow, 3 1/8d per lb. ...

    Article : 30 words
  11. METALS.

    The London market for copper has risen 10s per ton since last week. Tin is weaker, the spot quotation showing a "fall of 5s, and three months' quotation a fall of 10s per ton. Pig iron has ...

    Article : 319 words
  12. Tasmania.

    The Tasmanian Gold Mining Company has declared a dividend of ls 6d per share, equal to £3600. This claim has now poid £623,000 in dividends. The reserve fund stands at £13,500. ...

    Article : 147 words
  13. Queensland.

    The following crushings have been cleaned up and dividends declared during the week at Gympie: Phoenix Golden Pile, 163 tons for 115oz, dividend ls 6d, total £3600; Columbia Smithfield ...

    Article : 434 words
  14. New Zealand.

    The Kapal-Vermont Gold Mining Company crushed 235 tons during the month for 251oz, valued at £627 10s. ...

    Article : 19 words
  15. Strike at Cobar.

    COBAR, Sept. 3.—The manager of the Cobar Gold Mines, Limited, Cobar, applied this morning to Warden M'Kell for a four months' suspension, on account of the hands refusing to work, the ...

    Article : 105 words

    The total value of imports at the port of Sydney for the week ended August 29 amounted to £316,075, and from January 1 to August 29 the total value was £10,740,541. The total value of ...

    Article : 61 words
  17. Tendera.

    Tenders have been accepted for the following public works: Bridges: Over Brewer's Creek, road Wilcannia to Wentworth, H. Paust, Menindie, £162. ...

    Article : 90 words
  18. Death of a Squatter.

    FORBES, Monday.—Mr. Ernest Ulysses Bowler, of Boyd Station, Forbes, died suddenly at his residence this morning. Death is Bald to be due to heart disease. Mr. Bowler was one of the ...

    Article : 63 words



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