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    Bad drivers are always being criticised, but little comment is made about the ba^paasenger. Though mainly & nuisance, he is a source of ^tential danger. j There ore several types. Some err throtzgh sheer ignorance, others owing to nervousness. The worst offender is the nlira-nervous passenger who insists on diinang advice into the ears of the man at«t&e; wheel. If the driver is at all ner-vo«» the running fire of comment is likely to ?hake his confidence. ...

    Article : 261 words
  3. Pride in Rover

    So proud are many Rover owners ot the exceptional petrol, oil, and 'tyre mileage of the Rover that its economy- has be­come a boast with them, reports Rover Car Distributors Limited. Reports of Rover operation under all conditions indicate exceptionally low cost of operation, and it is claimed that Rover performance has proved this British car equal to the conditions of Australian motoring. At their standard prices all Rover models are fully equipped. ...

    Article : 77 words
  4. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 370 words
  5. Business Brevities

    Pritch&rds Motors, Limited, advises' having re­ceived on the Tuesday following Easter orders for three Beiiiet lorries for clients in the metro­politan area. These lorries are fitted with a tipping body, and are finding favor, it is stated, among quarry proprietors and contractors for hauling and dumping work. This class of lorry is also suited, it is claimed, for district eoun-cils for carrying road-making material. ...

    Article : 74 words

    While emulating higher-priced models in general efficiency, finish, appointments, and comforts, the Whippet de luxe sedan, it is claimed by the distributors. Overland South Australia Limited, alone offers vital modern features t=i It* price field. Four-wheel brakes, balloon tyres, and special refinements are included as standard equipment. ...

    Article : 52 words
  7. British Dennis Lorry

    British Dennis lorries, it is stated, have gained a world-wide reputation for long life and' low maintenance costs. A feature of the lorry, it is claimed, is its easy steering and simplicity of control and brakiag. The agent is Reo Motor] Sales Limited. ...

    Article : 47 words

    Autocars Limited, distributors of the Nash, report the appointment of Messrs. Sly, Dat-son, and Bryant as the company's Broken Hill authorised sales and service representa­tives for Nash sixes and Federal trucks. This firm is establishing in Oxide street a service station and showrooms. ...

    Article : 47 words

    W. Hudd, of Roper street, Adelaide, advises having received a shipment of rubber rain-proof motor coats, which ire stated to be extremely suitable for motorists for the winter months. They may be bad in either black or brown finish, and are available in all sizes. The firm has also landed a wide range of winter suits for motor cyclists. Included is a consignment of leather gloves, fur lined or plain, in a large variety of styles. ...

    Article : 79 words

    Autocars Limited, distributor of Nash sixes for South Australia and Broken Hill, re­ports that recognising the importance of service in the sale of its cars, the company has built up increased service facilities in South Australia to fully meet its obligations to all Nash purchasers. ...

    Article : 114 words

    Among the Chrysler features, it is stated, are special' Chrysler invar steel pistons. Chry­sler engineers, it is pointed out, were the first to design pistons with strata of special invar steel alloy, which control and regulate expansion and contraction of the pistons. They combine, it is stated, all the advantages of aluminium. O. T. Bodda Motor* Limited, of 189 Flinders street, is the South Australian representatives for ebrysler cars. ...

    Article : 73 words

    Hie great Bights of the United States navy aeroplane PN9 to Hawaii and the giant diri­gible Shenandoah are now history. The record non-stop cross-continent run of a Packard eight and the winning of the 1025 world's speed boat ' championship are also triumphs of the past. S.A. Motors (Packard) Limited state that the engineering and manufacturing genius which made these achievements possible is still at work for Packard owners. Hie efficient chassis lubricator, the oQ purify­ing rectifier, and the new type four-wheel brakes are recent Improvements, exclusively enjoyed by Packard buyers. Packards may be inspected in the representa­tive's showrooms, at 141 Flinders street, Ade­laide. ...

    Article : 113 words

    Overland South Australia Limited, distri­butor of the Federal-Knight trucks, claims that,, on account of it being the only Knight-engined ? truck in the world, this -vehicle as­sures owners freedom from certain expenses common to other types. It is claimed that after running 60,000 miles the engine functions better even than when new. Chassis are available in 1, 1%, and 2-ton sizes, and the company invites inspection at its showrooms in PIrie street. ...

    Article : 77 words

    Writing to Townsend Motors Limited, Chand­ler distributors, 131 Cnrrie street, Mr. P. O. Ochtomann, Shepherd's Hill, Eden, Bays that after several years' experience and ownership of a.29.4 Chandler he has decided to purchase Another of similar horsepower in the sedan jnodel. , He states that he bad come to this decision • as a result of the unfailing sendee be had had from his present old model. ...

    Article : 65 words

    Hnpmobile, it is stated, believes the public; will turn even more emphatically .toward . the I eight, and the straight eight particularly, be­cause of the advantages that engineers m the industry pointed out in that car six yean.ago. SJl. Hotora (Packard) Limited is the Booth Australian representative for Hnpmobile eight and six cylinder can. ...

    Article : 57 words

    Quality was never higher nor were prices ever lower in Chandler history than they are now, states Townsend Motors Ltd. The new 1527 Chandler, it ig pointed out, is a car of grace and charm. All tie various Chand­ler series hare the "one shot" system or chassis, lubrication, and in two seconds, it is stated, 23 different bearing parts are lubri­cated automatically. The agents will demon­strate the "one shot" at 131 Currie street, Adelaide. ...

    Article : 79 words

    ; Dennis brothers lorries, It 1b stated, are .now enjoying a world-wide reputation for exemplary service. The demand for them is well main­tained, states the agent, Reo Motor Sales Limited, Franklin street. ...

    Article : 35 words

    It is 10 years since Beo produced the first I speed waggon and over 150,000 are now In { use. ' - ; The popularity of the Beo in South Australia, ! it is stated, is noteworthy, and the agents, ? Reo Motor Sales Limited, Flinders street, report ! brisk business. ; ...

    Article : 46 words

    In conjunction -with the »mm«i Swiss automo­bile show held at Geneva, speed tests were held ever a flying kUome"re, tie competing machines being' divided into touring and sporting models and subdivided according to engine size. In the 1,500 c.c. touring class the winner *as Scheibler in a. Fiat in 39 9-10 sec, averag­ing 56 miles an hour. Freidrich in a 2-litre Bugatti averaged 66.4 miles en hour. Schrierer In a Talbot in the S-Iitre class won at an average of 66.8 miles. Segard in a Panhard and Leras-aor was the fastest in the 5,000 c.c. class at an avenge of 85 miles an hour. ...

    Article : 110 words

    When It is considered that cars with a road speed of 65 to 75 miles an fiour ac­cording to the body type, are sold with a guaranteed petrol coasumption of from 30 to CO miles to the gallon, motorists, state Drummond's Autos Limited, who appreciate fine qualities in a car - will see how well Amilcar engineers have done their work. Embodying all Chat is latest In automobile design and construction, th© Amilcar. it is stated, is light to iiandle and park, delight-fnl to drive, and exceptionally fast and com­fortable. Drummond'fl Anton Limited is the agent for Souia Australia and Broken nil ...

    Article : 108 words
  21. Two White Tracks Itecently Delivered by Motors Limited

    A 5-7½-ton White, loaded with 8¼ tons of coal, owned by Mr. I. H. Pearce, of Gorge rd., Campbelltown, working at the Adelaide Brickyards. The lower photo shows a 3½-ton White, owned by Mr. F. G. Graves, of Gilbert street, Norwood, with a load of 5 tons of Walkerville Ale. ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 60 words

    , la the eleeve-valv* engine of Willyfr-Knight sizes the makers state that from lis to 158 fewer engine parts are used a» against those in. other average automobile engines. This, it to claimed, is looked upon as a guarantee of-greater wear and longer life. Among modern Willys-Knight features are an ail filter, air cleaner, effective four-wheel bralcfw, shock absorbers, and other accessories. The mode] 70 and great six are sold complete frith nickel finish,. balloon tyres, and other modem ...

    Article : 81 words
  23. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 289 words

    Xsnn'« Uotors Limited, metropolitan distribu­tor of the Chevrolet, reports that following a successful first quarter for this year the com­pany is experiencing -a busy time booking tzp orders for the new most beautiful Chevrolet. • The agent states that according to an authori­tative American trade journal Chevrolet produc­tion in February exceeded 85,000 cars, or at the rate of 1,028,000 can for the year, com­pared with * total of 732,1*6 in 1926. ...

    Article : 79 words

    Hi cmootbneas in operation of the Bui«k engine is attributed bj Vivian Lewis, Limited, metropolitan dinUibutor of this car, to its lab-; ber *njinff winntj^n^ which by

    Article : 83 words

    1B8 mechanical excellence of the latest model. Oldsmobite six is, dedans Vivian Lewis, Limited,; metropolitan distributor, a tribute to the Gene- ; i*l Motors organisation for Its achievement in i producing such

    Article : 58 words

    Mtma'm Motota .Limited advises that file oom>, piny has for disposal * limited nninber of Chev­rolet 1996 model K coaches and roadsters at •pecUlljr reduced prices. The sal* is Being made, is.stated. In order to make zoom for new models. ...

    Article : 47 words

    uarris, Bcarte, Limited. has secured the agency tor Champion Universal Garage Vul-canlser, which, it is claimed, is capable of repairing up to 72 inner tubes and six outer casings in an ordinary working day. at a cost of less than 2/ for fueL ...

    Article : 77 words

    iae rreaaent, Studebakers big six sedan VLJZS0' **? h«»aAar be available in options. 11168* X* color °P°ons Studebaker ^ another Btep in offering the dis- features of custom car design vith- S? »^»'!??&? of ««*<*» car cost,, said »r. Richard Duncan, managing director of Duncan ft Fraeer Limited, in commenting on the announcement. ...

    Article : 61 words

    Harris, Scarfe Umited reports having opened ap a new and attractive winter range of motor accessories. "Rld-o-Skid" and "Weed" tyre chains driving gloves end gaunt­lets, "Stadium'' auto-spooyte lamps, Codor globes, Sparton -horns, windscreen wipers, Firestone gum dipped balloons, heavy steam welded tubes, repair outfits, and the Prest­o-Lite storage battery, are included in the lines' offered. The articles may be seen at tie firm's motor accessory showrooms at Harris, Scarfe'a Arcade. ...

    Article : 73 words

    me eyre repair scbool maintained at Akron, Ohio, by the Goodyear Tyre and Rubber.Com­pany recently, It is stated, graduated *n East Indian, a Mexican, and a native of 3&pan in one class. The course in the school, .-'which has been in operation for more than .12 years, are supplemented, it is stated. with. Instructions in (he actual construction of tyres, training in repair shop management, bookeeping and advertising. ...

    Article : 74 words

    it ib claimed by tie -distributors, Duncan Motors Umited, that the Cushy is good la every 'detail of design, construction, and material. The parts used in its assembly, it is stated, are of e quality only' to be found elsewhere in can or a far higher price.- ...

    Article : 52 words



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