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    To wed, or not to wed? That is the question: Whether [?]s nobler in a girl to suffer The slings and arrows of an old maid's fortune, O[?] married be, and so plu[?]ge into a sea of troubles ...

    Article : 314 words

    TO PROCURE SLEEP.—Magnesia, 1 teaspoonful, water to mix. Take this on going to bed. with a few drops of hartshorn or sal volatile. Take a warm bath ten minutes before lying down, or use ...

    Article : 930 words
  4. A Journey to Europe.

    1 SHALL never forget this trip through the canal, as it forms one of the most interesting parts of the voyage. Before leaving Grafton, when speaking of the Suez canal, I ...

    Article : 1,042 words
  5. Disastrous Floods in the United Kingdom.

    THE incessant rainfall of the last seventy hours (says St. James's Gazette of 14th May) has caused the rivers of Derbyshire to rise rapidly, and this morning the Derwent has flooded thousands of ...

    Article : 567 words
  6. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 5,707 words



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