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  2. [ALL. RIGHTS RESERVED.] The Unholy Experiment of Martin Shenvick,

    I knew that Shenwick had been studying the occult for a long time, but being a hardened sceptic, I was not prepared to accept the wonderful progress and results that, he said, had so far ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 2,660 words
  3. The Ballad of Boozer Bill.

    HE man who kept the shanty on the old Gilgyra track, set the liquor ...

    Article : 671 words

    The bootful pug put on boxing-gloves, And in a loud tone said he: "I'm champion of all the little dogs; Will any one spar with me?" ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 62 words
  5. Diagnosed Her.

    "How tired you look, my darling!" exclaimed the little woman, as she met him at the door. "Come in and rest yourself by the fire! I've made you a new pair of slippers, and if your head aches, I'll rub it ...

    Article : 103 words



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