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  2. The Labor Question.

    LONDON, July 28.—An attempt has been made by the men on strike to destroy Mr. Carnegie's Homestead Mills at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, by means of an explosion of ...

    Article : 161 words

    LONDON, July 26.—Matters in connection with Australia are improving. Leading houses doing business with Australia state that commercial business with the colonies ...

    Article : 240 words
  4. Crime.

    LONDON, July 28.—Dr. William Maunsell Collins, formerly surgeon of the Royal Horse Guards and the Scots Guards, charged with having feloniously forged ...

    Article : 115 words
  5. Bankruptcy Court.

    5312. Donald Ross Cameron, of Burra Burra Lake, near Taralga, grazier. Mr. Stephen, assignee. 5315. David M'Kay, of Lismore, laborer. Mr. ...

    Article : 358 words
  6. Obituary.

    LONDON, July 30.—The death is announced of Baron Joseph Alexander Hubner, the Austrian diplomatist, in his 81st year. The deceased diplomat signed ...

    Article : 159 words
  7. Morocco.

    LONDON, July 27.—Lord Salisbury has ordered Sir Charles Euan Smith, the British Minister, to remain in Morocco for the present. ...

    Article : 183 words
  8. British Politics.

    LONDON, July 28.—Mr. Gladstone has declined to entertain Mr. LaDouchere's suggestion that the Home Rule measure should he postponed until the Liberal Government ...

    Article : 149 words
  9. Continental Politics.

    LONDON, July 30.—M. Stambouloff, the Bulgarian Premier, has published certain documents which he purchased for 30,000f from M. Jacobsohn, the Russian ...

    Article : 70 words
  10. Sir G. R. Dibbs

    Cablegrams received from London during the week stated that Sir G. R. Dibbs had discussed the question of the consolidation of New South Wales stocks with the directors of the Bank of ...

    Article : 154 words
  11. Disasters.

    LONDON, August 1.—A fire which destroyed the wing of Heilingenberg Castle, near Darmstadt, was caused by one of the maid servants having accidentally set fire to ...

    Article : 70 words
  12. Germany.

    LONDON, August 1.—Prince Bismarck is on a visit to Jena, Saxe-Weimer, where he was welcomed by thousands. In acknowledging his reception the Prince declared ...

    Article : 96 words
  13. New Railway.

    On August 1 the first sod of the railway which is to connect the Marrickville and Illawarrae suburban railway systems with Burwood-road, Canterbury, was turned by the Countess of Jersey, ...

    Article : 265 words
  14. America.

    LONDON, July 30.—The great heat which is prevailing in the United States is unparalleled in its intenstty. Great mortality has taken place. In New ...

    Article : 91 words
  15. Commercial.

    LONDON, July 26.—The issue of debentures to the amount of £550,000 of the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency, Limited, has been over subscribed. The ...

    Article : 119 words
  16. Miscellaneous.

    LONDON, July 28.—The eruption of Mount Etna, Sicily, which was reported to have abated, has been renewed with increased activity. ...

    Article : 145 words
  17. Cholera.

    LONDON, July 27.—The cholera is reported to have broken out in Roumania. The rapid spread of the epidemic at Nijni Novgorod, Central Russia, has ...

    Article : 41 words
  18. Afghanistan.

    LONDON, July 29.—The Hazara rebellion in Afghanistan is assuming serious dimensions. Other native tribes are joining the Hazaras in their revolt against the Ameer. ...

    Article : 41 words



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