Sir J. E. D[?]niresq (of the Australian Nava[?] ord) and Captssin Cunberledge (of H.M.A.S. Adstralia) received [?]isitims at an at home on board the Australid. ...
Article : 238 wordsThe Lumpers Union at Fremantle Stil retuses to allow the Natinad wor[?] to supply abourt for the whare A fores of about 200 poice a being asscmbled ...
Article : 400 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 441 wordsThe strike of railway men and all other transhod workers has brought business to a standstill in Limerick. The unrest threaceng to spread throughout the south ...
Article : 103 wordsOfficials who have charted with Percival William Budd, who is to be hanged on Thursday for the murder of Harold Jacques, state that he is as unconcerned ...
Article : 80 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 106 wordsEnglish Atlantic weather reports state that the wind is mostly westerly, blowing at between thirty-five and seventy miles an hour at an altitude of 2000 ft. ...
Article : 455 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 169 wordsIn the City Police Court, to-day Ah Nie. Ah Good, and Ah Hong were each fined £10, in detault two months imprisonment, for having been in possess on ...
Article : 113 wordsThe hearing was concluded to-day of a Ireach of promise suit in which Elsic May Adams, spinster, claimed £1000 damages from John Edwin Scott, farmer ...
Article : 112 wordsFor some weeks pedestrians have been seartled at night by a series of highway robberies, but so far the police have been unable to effect an arrest. It is now ...
Article : 59 wordsAt the Mount Perry Police Court, before Mr. Fardell, Police Magistrate, a young man narned Fassifern Broadhurst was charged with the theft of fourteen ...
Article : 304 wordsA debutation from the South Austrahan Labour narty waited upon the Premier. Mr. Peake, to-day, and urged the abolition of capital punishment. Mr. ...
Article : 121 wordsThe Leader of the Opposition and the State Labour party, Mr. Lyons. made the folowing statoment in connection with the Labour election plaform, which ...
Article : 121 wordsFourteen American and six French soldiers were killed in a train collision at Lemanns, France. LONDON, April 17. ...
Article : 103 wordsYesterday a young man named W. Lupton, an emplovce at the Longreach Motor Company's works, dislocated nis o[?]hew while turning a steel shearing machine. ...
Article : 34 wordsThe Colobatch Ministry was sworn in this morning by the Governor. It contists of the following:—Premier. Colonial Treasurer. Minister for Railways, and ...
Article : 181 wordsApproval has been given of the opening to selsetion of sixty-four portions of land, contaming 17,192 acres. There compresse fifty-seven perpetual lease selections. ...
Article : 87 wordsQuestions regardling the future admiaistration of our army are having attention in mitltary circius at prescut. It is known that Lieutenant-Colonal Sir C. B. ...
Article : 748 wordsNo matter how long or how much you may have suffered, or how many so-called remedres you may have tried, Goanna Salve will not fail you. Give it a trial. ...
Article : 257 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 146 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld. : 1878 - 1954), Mon 21 Apr 1919, Page 7
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