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  2. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 74 words
  3. The State Finances.

    The members of the Government of the day are beginning to feel anxious as regards the finances of too State, and they are now giving plain proof of their want of ...

    Article : 196 words
  4. The Great Western.

    Operations on the route of the Great Western Railway have again been suspended, and the chief apologist for the impossible scheme, the "Mercury," just puts ...

    Article : 462 words

    At a large meeting of the East Mersey Brat ch Board of Agriculture on Tuesday last the Rev S. C. Finckart gave a lecture on the "Formation of butter factories ...

    Article : 327 words
  6. CAM.

    A Sunday school will be commenced to-morrow in the Somerset Methodist Church at 2.30 p.m., when all children not now attending such a school are ...

    Article : 37 words

    The Church of England social held in the Town Hall on Wednesday evening proved thoroughly successful. The hall was tastefully arranged as a large ...

    Article : 216 words
  8. North-Western News.

    A representative of the " North-Western Advocate" paid a visit to the State school at Bail ton on Thursday last. Mr Morgan has only been in charge about ...

    Article : 184 words

    At the Police Court yesterday morning before Mr A. J. Stokes, J.P., Albert Ford, aged 17, was charged with having on July 18. unlawfully and knowingly ...

    Article : 298 words
  10. "Tattersall's."

    Sir,-I am not in favor, of this gambling business, nor one who signed the petition in favor of it, but I was surprised at a letter signed "Freethought" ...

    Article : 326 words

    Farmers are now buy, burning the trees that came down is Tuesday's gale; On Wednesday night on Mr F. M'Cormick's farm the scene was a fine one ...

    Article : 173 words

    A concert in aid of the Catholic Church building fund was held at Irishtown on Saturday evening last. The opening number was a duet by Mrs J. E. Lea ...

    Article : 283 words

    A "revival" meeting was held in the Primitive Methodist Chapel on Thursday evening, the preacher being Mr. Fletcher of Melbourne, who made a very good ...

    Article : 48 words

    A tempest raged throughout Tuesday, and by evening several large gams were across the road in different places, and there was not a paddock without some ...

    Article : 44 words
  15. BORNIE.

    The proceedings of the Burnie Town Board are conducted with a decorum befitting any similar body of local legislators, and in harmony with the ...

    Article : 784 words
  16. WILMOT.

    The monthly meeting of the Wilmot Band of Hope was held In the Wesleyan Church on Tuesday evening,, when there was a pood attendance, Mr Irvine ...

    Article : 118 words
  17. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 62 words
  18. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 2,942 words

    Matters are unusually quiet at present. The even tenor of oar existence ia un-broken save for the continuance of the dry season. Siggs of an early spring are ...

    Article : 168 words

    A concert in aid of the Thirletane Cricket Club was held here on Thursday night. Rev W. Hogg occupied the chair. There was a splendid attendance. A long ...

    Article : 173 words



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