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  2. Ryde.

    THE majority of people who reside in the neighbourhood of Sydney or its suburbs scarcely need to be told that Ryde is situated on the Parramatta River. If the readers of the TOWN AND ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 1,214 words
  3. Gold-Mining at Temora.

    THE greatest interest is evinced in the progress of the. Temora goldfield throughout Australia, and the most anxious wishes are expressed for the suceess of the large number of miners who have assembled at ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 628 words
  4. The Great Southern Railway.

    THE extension of the great Sonthern railway from South Wagga to Gerogery, a distance of 59 miles, is to take place on the 1st proximo. A new time-table has been prepared, and will come into force on that ...

    Article : 446 words



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