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    As this is, porliaps. the first report that has been sent to your valuable journnl from this outlandish part of the southern hemisphere, it will not be ont of place to in. form yon of where we are locatod, and what we do it on. ...

    Article : 608 words

    THE WEATHER.—It has been rather unreliable of late, but appears at present to be more settled, and promises a continuance of pleasant days and cool nights. The late rains have given such a spring to the grass that ...

    Article : 512 words
  4. TUMUT.

    WEATHER.—On Saturday last wa were visited with a grand, rain, Which fell for a period of five hoare. Farmers have commenced to plough for wheat in many places thronghout the district. ...

    Article : 157 words

    OUR CARNIVAL is over, our dissipations are matters of the past, and we can rejoice or regret aa we individually are concerned. On the 6th and 7th were our aunual races: thongh the heavens had threatened to damp our ardour ...

    Article : 274 words
  6. KIAMA.

    AGRICUITURAL ASSOCIATION.—The regular monthly meeting fo this association took place on Friday evening lest when ten of the members were present, and a good deal of important business was transacted. Dr. Tarrant was [?] ...

    Article : 393 words
  7. FORBES.

    MUNICIPAL COUNCIL.—At lenght the vexed question of payment for water supplicd by the waterworks is settied. At a meeting of the municipal body held on the 6th instant. Alderman Hut[?]son moved that a water rate of is in the ...

    Article : 1,144 words

    WEATHER.—Here we have had some months dry weather. Even durtrur the past six weeks, when the coast district has been favoured with so many showers, we have bas barely any—just a light siiower or two, that dried up ...

    Article : 630 words
  9. DALTON.

    WEATHER splendid since the drought has broken, infusing new life into vegetation and also into mon, if the vigour with which ploughing is being carried on is any critesion. The lase of nature has undergone a complete ...

    Article : 377 words
  10. HAT.

    MORE RAIN.—Threatening weather prevailed all last week, and on friday hight, the 9th, it culminated in rain. Up to midnight only showers fell but after that the rain steadily-applled itself to business with a result that raisod ...

    Article : 596 words

    MINING matters continue to improve. The contractors for sinking the inain shaft in the Hidden Treasure are puslung on their contract, and at the present rate with be finished in about a mosth. The reef, which was a ...

    Article : 686 words

    LAUNCH.—A great deel of excitement was manifested on Tuesday by the inhabitants upon this river in consequence [?] launching of a new steamer, built here by Mr. [?] Wabcer for Mr. Speers, of sydney, she is bille ...

    Article : 384 words
  13. LISMORE.

    THE ROADS AND FOOTPATHS in this municipality, during the late flood and since, have been simply a disgrace to our town fathers, in many places being impassable to pedestrians, no precaution having being taken to employ extra ...

    Article : 435 words

    RAIN.—I send these few lines for general information Rain set in here between ll and 12 o'clook last night, and continued to fall until about 6 o'clock this morning, It has the appearance of a general fall, and it is sale to say. ...

    Article : 90 words

    THE WEATHER for the last fortnight has been wet, with the exception of Sunday, which was a delightful day. For two days last week some very heavy wea ther was experienced on the coast. Three steamers and three schooners ...

    Article : 389 words

    BANR NEWS.—The cxcitement ereited by the suspension of the Oriental Batik has somewhat subsided, and the, closing of the branch here Will tend to the ruin of many, whose peouniary affairs were previously at a rather low ...

    Article : 440 words



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