LONDON:SUNDAY, JUNE II.—The Election for Westminister has been decided as was anticipated, and there is every reason to believe that the election for the Borough will be determined on Monday. Mr.Polhill would have ...
Article : 2,256 wordsCharlton v Holder.—This was an action for money had and received.—Verdict for the defendant. MONDAY, 30th.—Shea v Smith and Barker. ...
Article : 439 wordsHORSE GUARDS, JUNE 8.—Earl Bathurst, the Secretary of State for the Colonial Department, having communicated to the Commander-in Chief the rules which His Majesty's Government have laid down for regulating the grants of land ...
Article : 2,552 wordsWHEN our contemporaries are reduced to extremities for a leader, and become obliged to originate something once in an age, they should not only calculate on exciting interest, but also be very ...
Article : 5,477 wordsWHEREAS, by an Act of Council, made and passed the Eighth Day of February, in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty-five, intitu[?]ed "An Act to ...
Article : 630 wordsFRIDAY, OCTOBER 27.—Mary Macallister was brought before the Bench on a charge of drunkenness; and the beloved spousey of Molley stepped forward as his rib's advocate. The scene was truly interesting. Mary again and again purtested that she had not ...
Article : 1,355 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 48 wordsThe Concert, on Monday evening last, for the benefit of Mrs.Jones, was most respectably attended. Wealth, beauty, and fashion were congregated together, and rendered the scene truly interesting. Civil, Naval, and Military officers were there in abundance. In fact every ...
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The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842), Wed 1 Nov 1826, Page 3
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