150 hog[?]head[?] porter. T. leely; 11 pipes braudy, 5 pipes 9 hogakeads Gen[?]a, 24 capea lead pipes, 2 kegs 2 Older, I keg brass cucks, 7 sheets 3 plgs lead, 3 bales twine, 14 crates eathenware, 3 crates [?]ddlery, bales slops, I case buttons, 4 packages, forge, bellows, and anvil, ...
Article : 1,802 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 219 wordsOn Thursday sailed, for [?]tavin, ship Medpra. His Majesty's ship Fly, and the brig Amity, ure announced to sail, for Western Port, nu Monday next; and The Jo[?]n Bull, fur Canton, an the 31 st institut. ...
Article : 84 wordsThe late ATTORNEY GENERAL, we are sorry to say, we have discovered, was any thing but a real lovei of British liberty—we mean 1 berly in its fullest latitude- inasmuch as it comes to our ...
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The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842), Sat 28 Oct 1826, Page 2
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