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  2. To the Editor of the Sydney Gazette.

    SIR, The aptitude and beauty of the above Proverb forced itself immediately upon my mind on the perusal of the Letter, signed "JOHN THOMA[?] ...

    Article : 1,996 words

    Mr. Jeremy While, one of Oliver Cromwell's domestic Chaplains, was so ambitious as to make his addresses to Cromwell's youngest daughter, the Lady Frances. The young lady did not ...

    Article : 430 words
  4. British Extracts.

    SOUTH AMERICA.—St. Thomas, Aug. 26.—The Royalist General, Morales, surrendered by capitulation on the [?]d instant to the Columbian Forces[?] All the Spanish vessels of war on the Lake of ...

    Article : 1,881 words
  5. Classified Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 1,150 words



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