GENIUS! rever'd in every Clime, Has triumphe'd 'midst the Spoils of Time; And still where Science lends a Ray, Maintains her proud ascendant Sway. ...
Article : 773 wordsMr. AMOS shewed cause against a Rule, which had been obtained by Mr. GARLING, why he should not personally pay the expences of Christopher Frederick and his wife, two witnesses who had, at the trial of ...
Article : 1,436 wordsSHIP NEWS.—Arrived in the river on Tuesday evening last the ship Hibernia, Captain Lennon, bringing 157 male prisoners; the comp[?]ment embarked having been 160, and three having died on the passage. ...
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The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842), Sat 5 Jun 1819, Page 3
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