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    "PRO BONO PUBLICO" contributes a few remarks to the Brisbane Courier in reference to the Queensland public tin companies, and in the course of his observations contends that the excuse of directors for the non[?] ...

    Article : 780 words
  3. Mogo Gold Reefs.

    It is but little that I have to add to my letter of [?]rd instant, with reference to the above reels, beyond the fact of the rapid development of the Mogo township, arising, no doubt, from parties being putin possession of their allotments as miners ...

    Article : 323 words
  4. Mining Items.

    At the Frogmore and a few other copper mines in the Burrowa district work is going on steadily, but in most the leases no effort is being made to test the value. ...

    Article : 3,147 words
  5. Denison Diggings.

    Since my last, things are looking a little better. Some of our company are beginning to stir things up in mining matters. Our Maitland capitalists seem determined to do something; we have two companies of them here, viz., the ...

    Article : 271 words
  6. Currajong.

    During the past week the New Mining Bill has been under the consideration of a committee chosen at a public meeting held last Saturday sen'night, for the purpose of reporting upon its merits and dements. The report, the result of their ...

    Article : 747 words
  7. Mining Reports.

    Messrs. H. Fairfax and Co. report that in a letter dated 18th instant, received from the mining manager of the Molong Copper Co., Gumble Flat, he states: "With regard to how the shaft looks, the indications at ...

    Article : 576 words

    SIR,—The now Mining Bill forms the topic for a good deal of comment and criticism in our gold-seeking, community, but as you very truly remarked last week, there in no use in condemning the whole measure as a failure. Many of its ...

    Article : 352 words



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