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    IN hopes that a line from this quarter may be acceptable to you and your numerous readers, I take this opportunity of saying a few words. I am very sorry to see tins table-land of New England—what I ...

    Article : 1,400 words
  3. Meeting of Hill and Miners.

    A PUBLIC meeting was held at the court-house. Hill End, on Saturday afternoon last, for the purpose of considering and adpoting a letter prepared by a commitee appointed at a preliminary meeting, and intended to be forwarded to the ...

    Article : 586 words
  4. Mr. T. Russell on the San Francisco Mail Contract,

    MR. THOMAS RUSSELL, the New Zealand gentleman who was associated with Mr. Samuel in arranging for the mail route via California, has written as follows to the Canterbury (N.Z.) ...

    Article : 1,038 words
  5. Curious Story of a Quicksilver Find.

    THE California Borax Company once had a good business in borax and sulphur, but the competition of other and more available fields gradually drove them out of the business, and for the past five or six years ...

    Article : 1,012 words
  6. Mining Items.

    A correspondent of the Armidale Express states, that on visiting the Glen Morrison gold-field, he found the place almost ata standstill. At the adjourned half-yearly meeting of the ...

    Article : 2,623 words



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