WE find the following extraordinary case reported in the Melbourne papers just received. There appears to have boen no conclusive proof that the poor boy to whom it refers was bitten by a poisonous snake, or indeed, ...
Article : 697 wordsPERHAPS no labour-saving machine ever devised has superseded more wretched drudgery then Blako's; stone-breaker. At the time when the Central Portoof New York, an American Bois de Boulogno of even ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 1,328 wordsTHE ordinary monthly mooting of the above society was hold last evening in the hall of the society's musoum. The attendance was numerous, and the presidont, Mr. R. L. J. Ellery, as usual, ocoupied the ...
Article : 648 wordsA PARTY from Camp Verde, Arizona, recently visited a place called " Montezuma well," situated on Beaver Creek, about eight miles distant. The well is about 100 yards hack from the stroam, upon a high, isolated ...
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Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1919), Sat 26 Mar 1870, Page 12
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