{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 50 wordsJune 23.—Thomas King.ship, 345 tons. Captain Robbins, from London the 25th December, and St. Helena the 10th April. Passengers—Mr. and Mrs. Beames and four children. Mr. W. O'Hara, Mr. and ...
Article : 248 wordsALTHOUGH the hon. members who supported through thick and thin the squatting side of the question in the recent debate relative to the price of Crown lands, were ...
Article : 1,702 wordsJune 23.—Prince of Wales. barque. 583 tons, Captain Middleton, for Auckland. (additional): 2 horses. 2 tierces and 1 keg beef, 4 cases cheese. 20 boxes soap, 10 bags pepper. 4 bags coffee, 3 chests ...
Article : 2,511 wordsJune 23. Niagara, barque, 350 tons, Captain symonds, for Manila. Passengers— Mr. and Miss Shannon. June 23.—Thomas Lord, schooner, 70 tons, ...
Article : 115 wordsJune 24.—Deborah, schooner, 121 tons, Captain Nagle, for Auckland. passengers— Mr. Owen, Mr. Asher, Mr. Sims, Mrs. Kinnear, and four children, Mr. J. Mondey, Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy ...
Article : 54 wordsJune 23—Thomas King, ship, 345 tons, Captain Robbins, from London, 80 kegs white lead, 5 hogsheads rum, 2 hogsheads brandy, 100 cases Geneva, John Graham and Co.; 50 barrels tar, 25 ...
Article : 1,152 wordsBy the William Hill, which arrived on Thursday from Part Nicholson, we have received Wellington papers to the 5th instant inclusive, from which we perceive that Governor Grey was at Wanganui, to ...
Article : 387 wordsMails will be closed at the Post Office as follow:— For PORT MACQUARIE, by the steamer Maitland, this day, at 3, p.m. FOR AUCKLAND, by the Cheerful, this evening, at ...
Article : 87 wordsThe performance will commence with a celebrated Drama, entitled PRESUMPTION; OR, THE FATE OR FRANKENSTEIN.— Prince del Piombino, Mr. Maxwell; Freankenstein, Mr. Nesbitt; ...
Article : 240 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 29 wordsMr. WENTWORTH presented a petition from Mr. R. Cooper, setting forth that the Bill for the consolidation of the Distillation Laws, now before the House, contained clauses detrimental to his ...
Article : 3,551 wordsAll communications intended for publication in this Journal are to be addressed (post-paid) to the Editors, No. 133, King-street East. No communication will be attended to, unless it is accompanied ...
Article : 54 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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Sydney Chronicle (NSW : 1846 - 1848), Sat 26 Jun 1847, Page 2
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