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  2. Speed Was Vital Factor In Geraldton Air Station's Construction

    Geraldton Royal Australian Air Force station was opened officially last Tuesday—but not without a certain amount of heartburning amongst local residents. There were many ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 585 words
  3. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 551 words
  4. No title

    Girl mail deliverer in the trousered uniform issued by the British Post Office to women employes. ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 17 words
  5. Flyers' Chew Lollies

    Pilots and crews of the big bombers that leave an R.A.F. station nightly to attack military targets in Germany, chew sweets ...

    Article : 243 words
  6. Chain Letter Cranks Again On the Job

    The chain letter crank is again on the job, but it is hoped his reign will be nipped in the bud by sensible people. ...

    Article : 244 words
  7. Cure for Colds

    SUCCESSFULLY fighting the common cold, Stoke-on-Trent consulting physicial Dr. J. P. P. Stock, who claims to have perfected a short-wave ...

    Article : 79 words
  8. Not for Six Months

    A Rome [?]eutal says that the Italians are hoping to put a crimp in Britain's Mediterranean Fleet with the help of new Nazi flying formations. One of ...

    Article : 60 words
  9. VISITING AMERICAN SAYS[?] "In Perth I Felt I Was Not Far Away From Home"

    "Americans and Australians have a lot in common," said Mr. H. J. Vogt, a barrister of Washington, U.S.A., who is visiting Perth in the course of a world tour to study arbitration and labor conditions for a group of American employers and employes. ...

    Article : 450 words
  10. Roosevelt A Jew?

    Nazi racists attached to Goebbels's propaganda department have "proved" the statement that President Franklin Delano Roosevelt is a Jew with a ...

    Article : 38 words
  11. Araluen in Autumn Garb

    Freshened by heavy showers spread over the last week, the Araluen Valley presents a scene of deepening autumn ...

    Article : 71 words

    Air force men stationed at Geraldton have complained at what they consider to be inadequate concessions on the Midland Railway from Geraldton to Perth for week-end leave. If the men travel on the State ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 334 words
  13. 2,000 Britons "Free" in Paris

    Two thousand British subjects are still living at liberty in Paris, but the number of women included in that figure is not yet ...

    Article : 229 words
  14. The Seven Rivers

    A Russian archaeological expedition has just completed a study of the Seven Rivers region (Central Asia), begun in 1936. Ruins of a large ...

    Article : 84 words
  15. "King of Ersatz," Bosch, Suicides

    Reliable information indicates that the president of the great German chemical monopoly the I.G. Farben, Professor Carl Bosch, committed suicide a fewmonths ago. "King of Ersatz," Bosch, who was ...

    Article : 492 words
  16. £5 A Week

    Organ-grinder Charles Ernest Craig, of Hornsby, England, told the Court that his weekly earnings averaged £5 and that he pushed his organ hundreds ...

    Article : 48 words
  17. London's Financial Front Holds Firm

    The shock-hardened Stock Exchange is fighting a rearguard action in good heart against the Mediterranean war news. Most sections are free from anything in the nature of apprehensive liquidation. ...

    Article : 175 words
  18. Face as White as a Ghost

    "My face was as white as a ghost and I felt I was going to have a nervous collapse," states Mrs. E.P., of Leichhardt, N.S.W. "I suffered from ...

    Article : 180 words
  19. Audience HAD To Know the End

    Manager at N.W. London Cinema (where murder thriller, "Busman's Honeymoon," was showing): "The show cannot ...

    Article : 55 words



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