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    Tho Child Welfare Congress passed a resolution recommending the establishment of University chairs in elementary and secondary social and medical child ...

    Article : 186 words

    Hopes of n further reduction of tho bank into prevailed until Wednesday, when it wns announced thal £83.1,000 in gold had been withdrawn from the Hank of ...

    Article : 653 words

    Japan has sent a protest to Canton against the shooting on Wednesday of throe Japancso marines from the destroyer Moray. One was killed and ...

    Article : 140 words

    Comments regarding the tentative British and french debt agreement involving the torilla of the United Stales td France are gcnernlly sceptical tirol [?]. ...

    Article : 653 words
  6. Display Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 184 words
  7. Strikes at Shanghai Spread..

    The strikb movement is gradually spread— ing among Chinese concerns. Following the settlement of the strike at one of the largest Chinese printing establishments, ...

    Article : 68 words

    Sir,—At the annual meeting of the Victorian Baby Health Centres' Association, the Chief Secretary (Dr. Argyle) appears to have intimated that he proposed to ...

    Article : 274 words
  9. Students to Return to Studies.

    Students, at the Peking Government colleges have decided that when the terni begins in September they will return to their stildies and not Continue the strike. ...

    Article : 40 words
  10. Boycott on Shipping.

    Tho Government has replied to the British Coiisiil-Gcncrnl, disclaiming that it has published or has approved of the coastal shipping regulations against which ...

    Article : 38 words
  11. New Governor-General.

    Tho Govcrnor-Goncrnl-designnto of the Commonweal th (Lord Stonolinvcti) and Lady Stonehaven, with two children, sailed from Liverpool on the steamer Nestor for ...

    Article : 319 words

    Lantern slides of the virus of cancer were shown at a meeting of the British Association at Southampton by Mr. J. E. Barnard, export in microscopy, who, with ...

    Article : 322 words
  13. Partial Moratorium.

    With reference to the misapprehensions apparently existing regarding the British proposal for the settlement of the French debt, Renter lennis Hint there luis always ...

    Article : 89 words

    Details have been issued of a BritishAmerican project involving £32,000,000 for dealing with the goods traffic of London by means of an underground railway ...

    Article : 104 words
  15. Funding Arrangements in America.

    The Limited States Conuuission has for its object the completion of urrnngetneiits for the funding ol till war debts'in timo for action by the next Congress. The entire ...

    Article : 39 words

    Recently the Prime Minister (Mr. Bruce) sent a cable message to Lord-Stonehaven suggesting to him that as the steamer on which he is coming to Australia will ...

    Article : 122 words
  17. Washington's Hard Terms.

    Mr. J. L. Garvin, in the "Observer," approves of the British olfer to Frataco. Mr. Garvin says—"The positions of Washington mid London uro linulumcntully ...

    Article : 79 words
  18. Prince in South America.

    Reports from London that the Prince of Wales has usked the King's permission to visit New York for a week have been published herc. An official denial of the ...

    Article : 115 words
  19. Welsh Miners on Strike.

    How 60 policemen guarding a colliery at Glyn Neath, Wales, saw a crowd of 4,000 people appear on the ridge of ii mountain, brandishing sticks, was described by a ...

    Article : 112 words
  20. Telephony by Wireless.

    Mr. Gerald Marcnsc operator of the ama[?] wireless station 2NM, who successfully transmitted giamaphone music of the U.S.S. Seuttle at New Zealand, has told ...

    Article : 190 words
  21. Aims of Socialists.

    Sitting until 1 o'clock in the morning the International Socialist Congress unanimously condemned the Communist International, which is encouraging 'revolution ...

    Article : 116 words
  22. Britain and Mexico.

    It is announced officially that the Government hns decided to resume full oflicial diplomatic relations with Mexico. Tho outstanding differences have been ...

    Article : 51 words
  23. Moroccan War.

    A communique from Fez states that the French occupied the whole of the territory of the Brinies tribesmen after stiff fighting for 48 hours. The Riths are ...

    Article : 51 words
  24. (Reuter.)

    The resumption of diplomatic relations between Mexico and Britain is the result of negotiations between the Foreign Secretary' (Signor Saenz) mid Mr: Norman ...

    Article : 31 words
  25. Propaganda in Army and Navy.

    Mr. Tom Munn presided at the second apntial conference of the National Minority Movement nt Battersea, which advocated an immediate extensive campaign of ...

    Article : 114 words
  26. Display Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 93 words
  27. German Properties for Sale.

    A director of Mannesmann Brothers states that negotiations for the sale of their properties in Morocco to a British and American group are proceeding ...

    Article : 84 words
  28. Execution of Communists.

    The ponce were busy tins evening frustrating the efforts of Communists to form processions in various parts of the city tb demonstrate nguinst the Polish execution ...

    Article : 49 words
  29. Paris to New York.

    The French pilots, Titrascon and Coli, have arranged to start in the middle of September on a flight to Paris from New York. This will bc one of the most daring ...

    Article : 109 words
  30. Macmillan Expedition.

    Captain Donald Macmillan, commander of, the Polar expedition, with the ships Peary and Bowdoin, is making good headway southward, accordin" to a despatch ...

    Article : 138 words
  31. Aeroplanes Collide.

    Flying-Officer Butlin (pilot) and two other officers, Derobcek und Peck, were killed w[?] engaged in fighting m[?] at a height of 1,000ft. Two aeroplanes came ...

    Article : 68 words
  32. Classified Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 26 words



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