It would be a good recommendation to Mr. J. C. Williamson, when all else fails his ingenious management, to bring on the stage, for an unlimited run of nights, the ...
Article : 1,226 wordsIt will be purely a postal service, and tenders will be invited alternatively for seven or ten years," the Prime Minister remarked this ...
Article : 440 wordsThe Minister for Lands has sanctioned the use of the Springs cricket ground at Queenscliff by the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company for a series of trials of ...
Article : 87 wordsAfter the conclusion of the visit of King Alfonso of Spain to the home of his brideelect (Princess Ena of Battenberg), at Biarritz, near the extreme south of France, ...
Article : 104 wordsMr. John Mitchell concluded his evidence before the Tariff Commission to-day. Mr. Charles D. Lennon, a farm implement maker, continued his evidence. He ...
Article : 949 wordsConstable Ellis, of Neerim South, has applied to the Government for a supply of tents for the shelter of sufferers by the fires in the Fumina district. He returned ...
Article : 555 wordsMr. G. J. K. Murray appeared for the trustees, and mentioned that the testator in his will provided that his estate should be held in trust for his children, and after ...
Article : 437 wordsA few days ago reference was made to an offer which, it was rumoured, had been made to the Federal postal authorities by a Welsh firm for a service of high-speed ...
Article : 582 wordsMr. David Gaunson figured as a witness for about half an hour at the sitting of the Police Commission. His "evidence" consisted in the main of adverse comments upon ...
Article : 185 wordsAt the instance of Col. Sir A. Wools- Sampson, who served with the Imperial Light Horse in the South African war, 60, ex-officers of irregular corps now resident ...
Article : 136 wordsSylvester Williams, a young man, after drinking the township of Eddington on Monday, left for his home, about a mile distant, and it is alleged on the road ...
Article : 65 wordsLord Cromer on Monday performed tne opening ceremony of the new Egyptian Railway, from Port Soudan, 30 miles north of Suakim, through the Soudan to the ...
Article : 90 wordsGeorge Storey, a teacher in the public school at Central McDonald, Wiseman's Ferry, and his nephew (Victor Douglas) were drowned on Monday evening. They ...
Article : 70 wordsSome time will elapse Before the Trades Marks (Union Libel) Act will be brought into force, but the Minister for Customs is already collecting information with a ...
Article : 472 wordsEdwin Topliss, engineer, of parts beyond the seas, formerly of Port Adelaide. Adjourned first and final hearings. Mr. R. [?] appeared for the insolvent, and Mr. R. G. Nesbit for ...
Article : 168 wordsThe agitation among Indian teaplanters for the abolition of the duty on tea imported into the United Kingdom has been restarted, and it is intended that fresh ...
Article : 50 wordsA terrible fatality occurred five miles from Peak Hill this morning. The residence of Mr. Henry Stanford was destroyed by fire, and two young children were ...
Article : 100 wordsThe naval correspondent of the Pall Mall Gazette, in a special article contributed to that journal, comments on the proposal that the Commonwealth should ...
Article : 128 wordsThe death is announced from Cowra of Johnny Vane, the last of the notorious Ben Hall gang of bushrangers. Vane was regarded as the most humane of the gang. ...
Article : 74 wordsHINDMARSH: Monday, January 29 (before Mr. A. Paddy).-Georce Benjamin Leighton was charged on the information of Sgt. Beare with having behaved riotously on the Port road on ...
Article : 37 wordsHandicaps for the Sydney Thousand were issued to-night. Mayer. Rutt, and Farley are on scratch, Samuelson and Pye on 10 yds., Brook 15, and A.J. Clark 25. ...
Article : 38 wordsMovements in sympathy with the object of assisting sufferers by the Victorian bush fires have been started. Half the proceeds at a continental on the Kalgoorlie ...
Article : 79 wordsTwo cases of drunkenness were dealt with. Clarence Matthew Adams was charged on the information of Inspector Houlgrave with having deserted Ms wife. Evidence disclosed that ...
Article : 260 wordsA case of great interest to farmers and manufacturers was decided at the Courthouse, Kapunda, on Friday by Messrs. Gepp, S.M., J. N. Smith, and S. Dawson. Messrs. Hawke & Co. were ...
Article : 1,278 wordsThe highest shade temperature to-day was 105 deg. Municipal Nominations.—Burke Ward—Edwin Fielder, builder; Brian James Doe, ...
Article : 82 wordsThe exports from Canada to the United Kingdom for the six months ended December 31 amounted in value to £16,799,745, and the imports from the United Kingdom ...
Article : 40 wordsThe union grain labourers at Darling Island, who ceased work some three weeks ago, returned to duty this morning at the old rates provided for in the agreement ...
Article : 67 wordsSeveral cases under the new liquor Act were before the Court on Tuesday. One publican was fined £5 and costs because three outsiders were in his hotel on Sunday ...
Article : 100 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 139 wordsOne case of drunkenness was dealt with. ...
Article : 17 wordsA strike has occurred among the wharf labourers in the casual employ of the Railway Department at Geraldton. The department reduced the pay of the men from 8/ ...
Article : 67 wordsSir—The sad ending of poor Miss Barrington should lead us to put on our considering caps a bit. How is it that such u terrible state of things comes about? It springs ...
Article : 742 wordsDuring the last three days 84 points of rain has been registered at Boulia. The Papuan Industries, Limited, has ac-quired a lease at the Lands Office of an ...
Article : 92 wordsA hypnotic demonstration given by Prof. Ronner, of Bostock &. Wombwell's Circus at Ballarat, had an amusing sequel. Cr. McKenzie, of Ballarat East, was deputed to ...
Article : 139 wordsLate on Monday night the dead body of a man was found lying on the footway of the Bunbury Railway Bridge. Subsequently the remains were identified as ...
Article : 57 wordsAt London or in Channel.—Port Elliot, steamer, from Port Pirie November 3. —Departures.— For Sydney.—Bremen, steamer, from ...
Article : 47 wordsManchester Unity Oddfellows.—The quarterly board meeting was held at the Oddfellows' Hall, Franklin street, on January 30. Present—G.M. E. T. Measday, D.G.M. T. Templer, G.S.C. A. H. ...
Article : 464 wordsMrs. [?], a registry office keeper, died suddenly in her room at Cohn's Buildings, Hannans street, to-night. As the doctor who had attended her declined to give ...
Article : 69 wordsWhile the steamer lady Mildred was disclaiming general cargo alongside the Intercolonial Wharf part of her shipment of sulphur became ignited, and for a short ...
Article : 94 wordsThe Victorian Amateur Athletic Associa-tion is making strenuous efforts to raise funds to send G. A. Wheatley, champion for the mile and half-mile distances of ...
Article : 82 words{No abstract available}
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The Register (Adelaide, SA : 1901 - 1929), Wed 31 Jan 1906, Page 6
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