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  2. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 126 words
  3. Local and General.

    THE chief topic: For whom will you vote? THE Land court opened yesterday morning. MR. ASHTON'S seat at Goulburn is said to ...

    Article : 931 words
  4. Dr. Blackall's Candidature

    DR. BLACKALL addressed a well attended meeting of electors at Currawang last Saturday. He spoke at considerable length on the political situation, and dealt with ...

    Article : 633 words
  5. Yarralumla Ball.

    THE annual hall held in Queanbeyan in aid of the funds of the local hospital is now recognised as being one of the chief annual social events, having earned the reputation ...

    Article : 502 words

    AT the eleventh hour the Cooma first fifteen, who had challenged Queanbeyan for I the Cup, failed to fulfil their engagement much to the disappointment of the locals ...

    Article : 1,263 words
  7. Women's Political Association.

    YESTERDAY afternoon," by special request, Mr. H. J. S. Hungerford, the Mayor, addressed about 30 members of the above on political matters generally. Mrs. F. ...

    Article : 700 words
  8. Queanbeyan Age WITH WHICH ARE INCORPORATED Queanbeyan Times, Bungendore Mirror & Captain's Flat Miner.

    READINGS at No. 2 Observing Station for week ending July 29th:—Barometor—29.2, 29.2, 29 0, 28.8, 28.9, 29.0, 29.5. Thermometer (Max)—52.0, 53.7, 55.5, 51.0, 57.0 53.0, ...

    Article : 80 words

    LAST week a social was held at Mr. G. Wilson's in aid of the Public School at Royalia, which resulted most successfully. The commitee consisted of the Royalla ladies, who ...

    Article : 292 words
  10. SUTTON

    THE ball in aid of the Sutton school funds came off in a large room, kindly lent by Mr. F. Williams, snr., for the purpose, and was, from every point of view, an unqualified ...

    Article : 302 words

    THE Manilla Express says:—"On Thursday Master Edwin Trenery, a seven-year-old Manillaite, accomplished a remarkable, skipping feat, which has easily excelled any ...

    Article : 119 words

    THE Minister for Lands proposes to submit for the consideration of the Cabinet a scheme which he considers will solve the unemployed problem At the same time he hope it ...

    Article : 217 words

    Your food does little good. when you have no desire for it; when you dread the meal lime. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will sharpen your appetite and strenghten the ...

    Article : 221 words

    THE following are the musketry scores and classifications of members of the Queanbeyan Rifle Club for year ending July, 1904:— Marksmen—H. J. S. Hungerford 153, W. ...

    Article : 148 words



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