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    ON this page we print a selection of prose and verse, written by Westralian ...

    Article : 780 words

    'Tis a grave and solemn moment, free from stir and wordy foment, when the lonely son of woman taketh needle in his [?]nd; ...

    Article : 350 words
  4. Sweet Boronia

    Should you ever go to Albany inquire for Peter Haslem. Tell him you know of "Sweet Boronia," and hear his story. You will climb the hill and ...

    Article : 1,355 words
  5. A Racing Rubaiyat

    I sometimes think that never smells so rank The Turf as where the racing stirrups clank; ...

    Article : 602 words
  6. 'Smiler's' Ride

    Mr. A. G. ("Smiler") Hales has from time to time presented English readers with fragments from his large bulk of experiences. Many of these ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 891 words
  7. Santa Claus

    Far away from where old London rears beside the tawny Thames, To where the Nor'- West pearlers search the seas for milky gems; ...

    Article : 647 words
  8. A Coolgardie Hop

    Last Monday night a nice select ball was held at the Royal We, in our capacity as a newspaper scribe, have reported balls in the Argyle Cut, at ...

    Article : 498 words
  9. A Summer Night

    On such a night as this the hour doth, seem Surrendered to some warm and tremulous dream, ...

    Article : 138 words
  10. The Leaden Hoof

    What use to puff a blackened fire, Grown emberless within the grate What use to twang a damaged lyre, That's only half articulate? ...

    Article : 238 words
  11. WHAT of the PIONEERS?

    They have started the pumps and turned the taps, And flooded the yawning tank, A cheer like a thousand ...

    Article : 422 words
  12. "Follerin' Up"

    Just been moochin' round the mines, looking for a "cop," Nothing doin' underground, rather less on top; ...

    Article : 393 words
  13. Karalee

    We watched the stars fade, one by one; The pallid brides of night, who flee At dawn's resplendent pageantry— ...

    Article : 377 words
  14. Intoxication

    Let us get drunk. Intoxicated with the joy of life, The poise of strength, the rush, the strife, ...

    Article : 357 words
  15. My Swag and I

    When I tramp forth attended by A retinue of "blues," And all the world and all its wife Are clothed in sombre hues, ...

    Article : 283 words



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