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    ON Wednesday, the 6th instant, after the business of the ordinary monthly meeting for January, at which was disposed of the financial matters pertaining to December, and some ...

    Article : 1,562 words
  3. Cable Intelligence

    BISMARCK, replying to Lord Salisbury's energetic inquiry with regard to the German action relative to Samoa, has assured the English Premier that the status of Samoa remains ...

    Article : 483 words
  4. Religious Memoranda.

    Morning Service, 11 a.m.—Evening Service, 7.30 p.m. PAROCHIAL DISTRICT OF CANBERRA.—REV. CANON SMITH. M.A. St. John Baptist's Canberra, 11 a.m.; Uriarra, 3.30 p.m. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. ...

    Article : 109 words

    MELBOURNE Tuesday.—An abortive attempt was made this morning to stick up the suburban branch of the Commercial Bank at Hoddie-street, Collingwood, which unfortunately ...

    Article : 835 words
  6. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 1,474 words
  7. Department of Public Works, Railway Branch, Sydney, Jan. 6th, 1886.

    SIR,—Referring to your letter of the 17th ultimo, representing the necessity of erecting platform accommodation at Fairy Meadow, between Goulburn and Bungendore, I have the ...

    Article : 202 words
  8. No Title

    The[?] is also on file for public reference at the following agencies, where advertising contracts can be entered into on behalf of the proprietor. viz:— Sydney—GREVILLES TELEGRAM COMPANY, Messrs. GORDON ...

    Article : 104 words
  9. The Age

    IS reply to an address from the wharf labourers, Lord Carrington said he owed his present position to the integrity and industry of his grandfather, who had risen from the ...

    Article : 240 words

    THE late rains have made a great change in the appearance of the country, and the show for grass is better this season than for some years past. ...

    Article : 172 words

    A SECOND large fire occurred on Wednesday afternoon at the bonded stores owned by Mr. W. B. Jones, on the south bank of the Yarra, and three of the stores—two of which ...

    Article : 560 words
  12. General Summary.

    FURTHER complications are reported with regard to the wharf-labourers' strike and the action of the Seamen's Union, and a settlement seems as far off as ever, all parties ...

    Article : 368 words
  13. LONDON.

    NOTES have been despatched to the Governments of Greece, Bulgaria, and Servia, calling upon them to disband. This has caused excitement amongst the Greek populace, and it ...

    Article : 198 words



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