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  2. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 68 words
  3. Shipping Intelligence.

    JAN. 30—The barque Strathfieldsaye, Spence, master, from Lombock the 27th November, with ponies and rice. SAILED. ...

    Article : 276 words

    We have sincere satisfaction in announcing the safe return of His Excellency from the interior on Saturday last. The following deeply interesting account of ...

    Article : 3,486 words
  5. To the Editor of The Australian.

    SIR—It it true that the London directors of the Union Dank of Australia, who, on the allotment of the shares, reserved three thousand afterwards to be disposed of for the benefit of ...

    Article : 330 words
  6. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 6 words
  7. No title

    IT is a matter of dispiriting reflection to those who are desirous of proposing or concerting measures for the future advancement and social melioration of ...

    Article : 2,376 words
  8. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 172 words
  9. No title

    On Monday next the foundation stone of the Royal Exchange is appointed to be laid, and the temporary rooms in Macquarie-place will be opened. ...

    Article : 2,950 words



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