Sir,—Feeling an interest to witness the representation of the "Mock Catalani," I attended the Theatre on Tuesday evening last having first provided myself with the ...
Article : 883 wordsPresent—The Governor, the Chief Justice, the Lord Bishop, the Commander of the Forces, the Colonial Secretory, the Attorney-General, the Collector of Customs, the Auditor-General, Mr. ...
Article : 10,473 wordsA private letter from a party of the very first authority, states that we need not look for so numerous an importation of prisoners, as we expected, as about two thousand were about to be ...
Article : 761 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 4,063 wordsThough Venice produced the first Gazatte in 1536, it was circulated in manuscript long after the invention of printing, to the close of the sixteenth century, as appears from ...
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The Australian (Sydney, NSW : 1824 - 1848), Thu 9 Jun 1842, Page 3
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