On Wednesday, the steamers William the Fourt[?] from Port Macquarie, and Sophia June and Tamar from Newcastle. Same day, from Moreton Bay, the Government ...
Article : 311 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 106 wordsA Public Meeting was held in the Court house King-street, yesterday, to take into consideration, and adopt such measures, as may be deemed expe[?]ient for carrying into ...
Article : 798 wordsIn the great cause, Wolf versus Lamb, we are irresistably sceptical of the Plaintiff's grievances.—(Edinburgh Review.) Did the Wolf ever want an excuse for devouring the ...
Article : 285 wordsANDROMEDA (ship), Gales master, [?]AWES & Co agents, at Aspinall wharf discharging. ALBION (barque). Skey master, [?]E[?]TINGTON agent in Cockle Bay loading for London ...
Article : 498 wordsTOADS IN STONES.—Perhaps the most inveterate of all these sorts of prejudice is that which induces people to believe that frogs and toads can live for centuries in ...
Article : 1,203 wordsDR LANG appears to exercise the same sort of control and authority over the Presbyterian Clergy [?]s the Archdeacon do[?]s over the Episcopal. But Mr. Broughton is not a D.D., he ...
Article : 1,791 wordsTHE[?] is reason to believe that Lord Brougham will be unusually during the recess. He is aware that his proceedings and speeches during the past season have very ...
Article : 1,052 wordsTHURSDAY being the day appointed to celebrate the anniversary of H[?]s Majesty's Birthday, it was kept accordingly. Holidays were observed at the Public officers and Banks; and ...
Article : 533 wordsPotatoes were from 12s to 14s per cwt [?]wt., cabbages 3s to 4s per dozen, carrot 2s to 3s 6d per bunch, turnips 1s 6d [?] 2s 6d per ditto, onions 5½d to 6d per lb. ...
Article : 160 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 246 wordsWEDNESDAY, 27th May—PatrickSmith, was charged with stealing four sashes, the property of Mrs. Ryan, of Phillip st. It appeared from the evidence of Mrs. Ryan, that the prisoner applied to her on Tuesday last ...
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The Sydney Monitor (NSW : 1828 - 1838), Sat 30 May 1835, Page 2
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