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  2. Shipping Intelligence.

    FEBRUARY 24.—Earl llarewood, barque, 278 tons, W. Salmon, from London November 7, merchandise Passengers, Mr. D. Cameron, Mrs. Cameron, Mr. A. Macpherson, Mr. A. Campbell, Messrs. G. and ...

    Article : 299 words

    February 24.—Maitland, steamer, for Newcastle. 26.—Addingham, ship—for Mauritius. 26.—Layton, ship, Austin, for Batavia, with ballast. ...

    Article : 27 words

    Lord William Bentinck and Isabella for London, Alma for Batavia, this day. HOBART TOWN.—DEPARTURES.—February 2. Marian Walson, schooner, Shorter, for Sydney. 3. ...

    Article : 47 words

    WE congratulate His Excellency, Sir GEORGE GIPPS, on his safe arrival in the colony, and on his auspicious assumption of the viceregal authority, under the mild ...

    Article : 1,750 words
  6. Colonial Statistics.

    THERE is no part of the colony within a hundred miles of Sydney, which has either been so long settled or so little frequented by travellers from our colonial capital, as the country ...

    Article : 2,548 words
  7. Domestic Intelligence.

    THURSDAY, the 22nd instant, was the day appointed for the election of a minister for the Scots Church, Maitland. The candidates who had previously appeared on the field were the ...

    Article : 2,219 words



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