On the 25th May Mr. Short addressed to the British consul the following communication from on board the Clementine:— "Harbour of Honolulu, on board the Clementine, ...
Article : 2,472 wordsIt is impossible to take up a newspaper without stumbling. upon discussions regarding the Church. In the editorial column, selected paragraphs, reports of public meetings, parliamentary debates, ...
Article : 1,851 wordsThe number which has just appeared is extremely interesting. Itbegins with the annual report of the society for the ,ear 1839, stating that eighteen years ago the funds amounted only to 22,000 francs, and ...
Article : 1,696 wordsOur Bathurst correspondent must have observed our repeated notices that we cannot give insertion to communications Involving the character of third parties, unless they are authenticated by the writers' names. We can easily believe, however, ...
Article : 78 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 87 wordsWE lately received many violent complaints from the Hawkesbury, and from other parts, against the Governor, for having totally neglected the most deserving portion of cultivators in the distribution of ...
Article : 444 wordsOUR contemporary of the Australian is very wroth with us for having called upon him to read Lord John Russell's despatch before he attempted to animadvert upon it. He admits that he committed ...
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Australasian Chronicle (Sydney, NSW : 1839 - 1843), Thu 31 Dec 1840, Page 2
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