Additional confirmation of the reports concerning the terrible drought in Western Queensland is given by Mr. George Debney, manager of Monkira Station. Diamantina. ...
Article : 80 wordsThe Premier of Australia, Hr. E. Barton, and the Postmaster-General, Mr. J. G. Drake, arrived in Adelaide on Tuesday morning. They were entertained at lunch ...
Article : 641 wordsThe date of the departure of the Duke and Duchess of York for Australia has not even yet been publicly announced. It is understood that, the Price of Wales will ...
Article : 2,604 wordsThere is reason to believe that the invasion of Portuguese territory by 2,000 Boers under Commandant Blake is a feint intended to facilitate the ...
Article : 80 wordsThe authorities at the Portsmouth dockyards are preparing for the use of the Duke and Duchess of York during their visit in ...
Article : 267 wordsSurprise has been occasioned by the unexpected announcement of the death, in the 47th year of his age of ex-King Milan of Servia. ...
Article : 1,155 wordsThe barque Rufus E. Wood, a comfortable, old-fashioned craft, stanch and sue, with a captain who is quite a character and something of a poet, reached the anchorage ...
Article : 395 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 677 wordsMjr. Brereton, who is in command of the garrison at Steynsburg, a township 38 miles from Cradock, has called in all males in that district, comprising ...
Article : 186 wordsThe Lord Mayor of London, in a communication to King Edward, suggests the formation of a small committee composed of members of the present ...
Article : 73 wordsThe "Standard's" correspondent at Pretoria learns that Lord Kitchener's new and unexpected offensive methods have caused great consternation among ...
Article : 127 wordsA meeting was announced for the Waterloo Town Hall last night, says the Sydney "Daily Telegraph" of Friday last, at which Mr. Deakin. the Federal Attorney-General ...
Article : 612 wordsAdvices from Madrid state that anti-Jesuit riots are occurring there and in several other large centres of population, including Valencia and Grapada. ...
Article : 69 wordsCommandant Eloff, a grandson or Mr. Kruger, who was captured at Mafeking just before that town was relived has in company with four other ...
Article : 78 wordsThe tombs of the late Kings Victor Emmanuel and Humbert in the Pantheon at Rome have been robbed. Imitations of the famous iron crown and other jewels were removed, and ...
Article : 46 wordsMr. D. H. McLean, an Australian who distinguished himself at Oxford as an oarsman, and who held a position as captain in the Imperial Yeomanry ...
Article : 52 wordsThe best news this morning to those people who have holdings in the Far North is that there have been thunderstorms, accompanied by heavy rain. City folk who ...
Article : 857 wordsThe Government has cabled, offering another contingent for service in South Africa. There are 487 officers and men and 530 Application for enrolment ...
Article : 94 wordsThe steamer Sommerfeld, 2.606 tons, which arrived at Hamburg from Australia on January 12, is still lying stranded on a sandbank in the Elbe ...
Article : 54 wordsAlthough ex-President Kruger has entirely failed in his mission to Europe, he is still promising Gen. Louis Botha that the powers will intervene to stop ...
Article : 39 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 63 wordsThe Palmerston and Pine Creek railway earnings for the week ended February 9 amounted to £195. The steamer Guthrie arrived from ...
Article : 122 wordsSilver.—The price of bar silver yesterday was 2s. 4d. per oz., showing a decline of 1-16d ...
Article : 23 wordsThe Secretary for the Colonies, in a despatch to Sir Alfred Milner, acknowledges the receipt from him of copies of the resolutions which were adopted at ...
Article : 808 wordsA case, concerning the custody of children, which excited considerable local interest, came before the Full Court to-day, when judgment was given on an appeal by ...
Article : 186 wordsAfter four days at pleasantly cool weather there was a return to great heat which made last Thursday so trying. A hot northerly wind set in with daybreak this ...
Article : 56 wordsMr. G. H. Reid addressed a meeting at Cowra to-night. He appealed in defence matters for a citizen soldiery, with as little gold lace and that sort of thing as now ...
Article : 166 wordsAt an inquest at Tenterfield to-day concerning the death of Ellen Marian Purcell, the jury returned a verdict of death due to the effects of a fall caused by a blow ...
Article : 252 wordsA young man named George Lamming, a trucker employed at Block 14 Mine, met his death early this morning by being smothered in a mullock shoot. The ...
Article : 107 wordsCabinet gave consideration to-day to the question of the Concessions sought to be given to the Eastern Extension Telegraph Company, and their effect upon the Pacific ...
Article : 58 wordsAt a meeting to-day of the Bundaberg and District Sugar Manufacturers' Union a resolution was passed expressing the opinion that if Mr. Barton's policy ...
Article : 56 wordsSir—A few weeks ago a letter appeared on your columns appealing to the well-to-do colonist of South Australia, on behalf of he "Kalyra" Sanatorium at Belair for the ...
Article : 439 wordsThe London County council are spending £50,000 on buildings and hospital arrangements in order to meet any suspected outbreak of bubonic ...
Article : 93 wordsMr. P. McM. Glynn addressed a crowded audience in the town hall to-night, under the auspices of the Free Trade Association. In a speech bristling with figures he ...
Article : 61 wordsEven when the federal tariff comes into operation, and "border barbarisms" are swept away, the Customs department will still have to maintain a stiff of officers on ...
Article : 819 wordsThe mail steamer Oroya took from Fremantle to-day cold bullion valued at £99,300 for London, and silver bullion worth £2.692 for the Royal Mint London. ...
Article : 117 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 99 wordsAt London—Maori King, steamer, from Bowen November 11; Bungarce steamer, From Sydney November 23; Sonneberg, steamer, from Sydney November 29: ...
Article : 80 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 199 words{No abstract available}
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South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Wed 13 Feb 1901, Page 5
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