Mr. James Munro, M.L.A., addressed a crowded meeting at Carlton last night. Mr. Lalor (the Commissioner of Customs) and Mr. Patterson (the Minister of Works) were also present and ...
Article : 422 wordsIt is not flattering to our dignity to reflect on the fact that for some days the whole colony has been hanging on Mr. Berry's lips. Last night the great Panjandrum spoke at Geelong—the ...
Article : 3,343 wordsTwo Chinamen were speared by the natives this morning whilst working in their garden at Pine Creek. One of them was wounded in the chest and the other received a very severe cut ...
Article : 102 wordsReport of the Proceedings of the University of Adelaide, during the Year 1877. To His Excellency Sir William Francis Drummond Jervois, Major-General in Her Majesty's ...
Article : 2,251 wordsWell, Tom, my boy, I must say good-bye, I've had a wonderful visit here; Enjoyed it, too, as well as I could Away from all that my heart holds dear. ...
Article : 451 wordsIt is a certain and henceforth quite indisputable fact that the Phylloxera vastatrix is purely of American origin, and that it is a parasite natural to the species of vines peculiar ...
Article : 1,296 wordsThe programme of amusements for to-morrow is very full. The regatta is the chief attraction. Mr. Creswick plays Shylock in the "Merchant of Venice" this evening. ...
Article : 396 wordsBertie, look; it's growing dark; Bedtime now is very near; And from yonder gumtree—hark! What's that funny noise we hear? ...
Article : 919 wordsThe North Star reports finding the wreck of the Ethel Cuthbert, which left Launceston in July, but she found no trace of the crew, of which there were five. ...
Article : 35 wordsA meeting of the Council of the University was held on January 25. Present—The Vice-Chancellor, the Treasurer, Mr. Boothby, Mr. West-Erskine, Dr. Gunson, Dr. Campbell, the ...
Article : 409 wordsAt the election meeting at Eudunda on Saturday 40 persons were present, Mr. JAS. SHAKES presiding. He disclaimed any interest in the meeting more than that of an elector. ...
Article : 545 wordsSir—The annual assault upon the City Surveyor was duly made last Monday, and the adjournment of the proceeding displays a persistency indicative that the old clique are more ...
Article : 258 words{No abstract available}
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South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Mon 28 Jan 1878, Page 6
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