Tuesday, May 30—The brig Lady Hervey, 145 tons, Hay, master, from Lannceston 16th May. Passenger—Mrs. Hay. CLEARED OUT. Tuesday, May 20—The cutter Roseanna 30 tons. Heard master for ...
Article : 752 wordsMaramin, alias Doughboy, Weepin, alias Billy, Parrot, alias Jemmy, and Penchungy, alias Major, were indicted for the murder of an aboriginal native named Marponin,alias Paddy, in March. 1851, at Robe Town. ...
Article : 2,280 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 2,347 wordsMails will be despatches as under— For Great Britain, by the Osceola, to Bombay and overland, and by the Caroline, to Callan, thence overland, via Panama, both this day, at half-past 3. ...
Article : 84 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 36 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 16 words{No abstract available}
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Advertising : 31 wordsSir—From undoubted facts which have come to the knowledge of the police, and as the old adage says, "Prevention is better than cure," permit me, through the medium of your valuable paper, to put the 5 public in possession of a ...
Article : 550 wordsOur sentiments on the subject of capital punishment are on record, and however heretical they may be deemed by some, we have the satisfaction of knowing that many years will not elapse ere they become ...
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South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Wed 21 May 1851, Page 2
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