OUR NORTH (60): Cockatoo Island, In Yampi Sound, about 90 miles from Derby, contains millions of tons of rich iron ore. For more than four years development work has been proceeding on the Island. This picture of Collins Cove was taken from one of the houses which have been built on the sharply rising ground overlooking the cove. At the right is a small jetty and in the distance, about four miles across the quiet waters of Yampi Sound, is the mainland. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 83 wordsNOT often does a writer of fiction change easily to research which involves the recording of fact. Ion L. Idriess ...
Article : 281 wordsTHE usually joyous songs of the birds in a garden at Augusta are hushed, and there is a sad tone in their calls to ...
Article : 295 wordsFROM time to time, instances have occurred where what has for many a year been ...
Article : 644 wordsTHE nine of diamonds in a pack of playing cards is known wherever cards are played as "The ...
Article : 606 wordsTHAT seems a sound idea of a writer in the Medical Journal who urges that less frightening names should be ...
Article : 1,170 wordsTHE achievement of British ballet is all the more remarkable because less than 20 years ago there was ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 635 wordsTHE above phrase of Mrs. Malaprop may be taken as a summary of your question, which is rather long for me to ...
Article : 1,482 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 486 wordsTHIRTY-THREE or more years is a long way to look back when we kids of the long-vanished Trafalgar on Kalgoorlie's Golden ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 674 wordsHUGH SHEPLEY, writing in the British Travel Association's publication, "Coming Events," says that the Loch ...
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The West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Sat 15 Jan 1949, Page 22
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