LONDON, Feb. 2: The Battleship Royal Sovereign, which was lent to Russia during the war, is now expected to arrive ...
Article : 140 wordsRETURNED TO BRITAIN: The British 29.150-lon battleship Royal Sovereign, which was lent to Russia during the war. She is expected to reach the Firth of Forth today. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 27 wordsSYDNEY, Feb. 2: Evidence that H. G. Forshaw, logging manager for Hancock and Gore Ltd., Brisbane timber merchants, in 1945 had accepted a £4,000 loan from Ernest Farrell was given by Ernest ...
Article : 679 wordsLONDON, Feb. 2: The Attorney-General (Sir Hartley Shawcross) introduced a Bill in the House of Commons ...
Article : 295 wordsMANJIMUP, Feb. 2: The 31st annual meeting of shareholders of the Warren Cooperative Co. Ltd. reappointed Messrs. A. D. ...
Article : 941 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 241 wordsDALWALLINU, Feb. 2: While playing for Buntine in a cricket match against Latham on Sunday J. L Flynn was struck on the ...
Article : 44 wordsLONDON, Feb. 2: Moving the second reading In the House of Lords of the Cinematograph Film Production Bill, Lord Lucas said that all sides wanted to make British cinema-goers less dependent on American films. ...
Article : 240 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Thu 3 Feb 1949, Page 9
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