LIBEL ACTION OPENED: Victor Kravchenko, the Russian-born aurthor of the anti-Soviet book "I Chose Freedom." Opening his libel action against a Communist magazine in the Palace of Justice, Parks, recently. There was dissension during the hearing ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 54 wordsSYDNEY. Feb. 3: The managing-director of Hancock and Gore Ltd., Henry Roy Hancock, denied at the New Guinea timber lease Royal Commission today that his statement to his board of directors that ...
Article : 992 wordsMELBOURNE, Feb. 3: The drive inaugurated by the Prime Minister (Mr. Chifley) for a nation-wide savings campaign ...
Article : 282 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 467 wordsMELBOURNE, Feb. 3: After wide publicity in the Melbourne Press today, there have still been no offers for a new suburban ...
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The West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Fri 4 Feb 1949, Page 8
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