Sales on the Stock Exchange of Perth yesterday were: Commonwealth £10 bonds: 2½ p.c. 1949 £10/0/9; 1950 £10/1/9; ...
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Advertising : 734 wordsTownspeople at Norseman last week urged the Federal and State Governments to do something to help the pyrite industry ...
Article : 388 wordsWestralian Farmers Cooperative Ltd., for the year ended on July 31, 1948, reports a surplus of £91,585, of which it is estimated ...
Article : 353 wordsBROWN COAL: The Lord Mayor of Berlin (Professor Ernst Reuter), right, and the Deputy-Lord Mayor (Dr. Friedensburg), watched by coalminers examine a sample of soil for brown coal content. The coal is believed to exist at a depth of 80 ... [ILLUSTRATED]
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The West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Fri 28 Jan 1949, Page 25
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