LONDON, Jan. 4: The Foreign Secretary (Mr. Bevin) and British service chiefs have reviewed the implications of the presence of Jewish troops on Egyptian soil. Official circles discount suggestions that British ...
Article : 833 wordsPUTTING AUSTRALIA'S VIEWPOINT: While Dr. J. H. van Royan (Netherland), right, took notes, Mr. W. R. Hodgson (Australia) told the Security Council in Paris that the Dutch actions in Indonesia was "the first clear-cut, deliberate violation of the United Nations Charter" by any member. Australia, although not a Security Council member, asked permission to speak. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 55 wordsNANKING. Jan. 4: Peace rumours which have been sweeping China for some days came into the open last night when two of the staunchest Nationalist advocates of peace supported mediation to end the ...
Article : 601 wordsBATAVIA, Jan. 4: Before leasing the south Sumatran oil town of Jambi on Wednesday, Republicans set fire to 13 oil wells and eight oil tanks. The London "Daily Mail" correspondent says that ...
Article : 669 wordsLONDON, Jan. 4: Before lunch today the King went for a drive around Hyde Park with the Queen. It was the first ...
Article : 144 wordsLONDON, Jan. 4: Prince Charles of Edinburgh, who is now seven weeks old, will make his first rail journey ...
Article : 63 wordsDAMASCUS, Jan. 4: The Premier of Syria (Khaled el Azam) said today that the Political Committee of the Arab ...
Article : 89 wordsLONDON, Jan. 4: It is learnt from a reliable source, says Reuters, that the London talks between the three Western Powers on the occupation statute for Western Germany will open on January 17 instead of a week ...
Article : 663 wordsLONDON, Jan. 4: The body of a Laycock (Wiltshire) woman has been recovered from the River Avon at Bathford (Somerset) after being carried 20 miles by flood waters. The woman, the wife of a ...
Article : 330 wordsLONDON, Jan. 4: The sailing of the Queen Mary for New York was postponed to-day for another 24 hours for ...
Article : 184 wordsLONDON, Jan. 4: In the first 11 months of 1948 there were 1,658 industrial stoppages of work in Britain—1,058 of them in the coal- mining industry-involving 411,400 workers and costing 1,912,000 working days. ...
Article : 203 words{No abstract available}
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The West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Wed 5 Jan 1949, Page 6
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