The ninth anniversary of the "Star of the Williams Branch of the Grand United Order of Oddfellows" was celebrated on Wednesday last by a procession of the members, sports on the Racecourse, and a ball at ...
Article : 1,868 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 1,711 wordsMELBOURNE FLOUR AND GRAIN MARKET.- Transactions advised to-day have been on a fair scale and have been of a general character. Trade parcels of flour are selling at from £9 15s to £10. Few ...
Article : 209 wordsSIR,—In Tuesday's issue a "Resident" requests the attendance of Superintendent Morisset and the Inspector of Police outside the Salvation Factory to take notice of the bad language used. I, Sir, think ...
Article : 444 wordsBREWARRINA STOCK REPORT.—Oct.6.—The past week continued similar to many preceding once, until late on Thursday, when indications of rain made their appearance, and there is some prospect of ...
Article : 1,224 wordsSIR,—As a foreigner, and as such accustomed to hear disparaging allusions to the liberty of the Press as enjoyed abroad in comparison with British dependencies, I have not fa[?]led to be struck with ...
Article : 194 wordsWheat, per bushel, 4s 6d to 4s 9d; maize, ditto, 2s 6d to 2s 9d; hay, lucerne, per ton, £2 10s to £2 15s; ditto, oaten and wheaten, ditto, £3 to £3 10s; potatoes, per cwt., 5s to 6s; onions, ditto, 8s to 9s; ...
Article : 99 wordsCOMMERCIAL INTELLIGENCE.—In the import markets business on Monday was rather quiet in most lines, and was chiefly confined to trade parcels of goods. Trade lots of flour were taken up freely at ...
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